Seeing and Believing

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Seeing and believing. Some have to see something with their own eyes before they can believe it, while others instantly believe their loved ones whenever they look into their eyes. However.. Sometimes.. Your eyes can mislead you, and push you away, from the Great Path of Life..


?: 'Oh, almighty Hullanta.. As far as I have looked with my optical orbs. I've found the answer to your question.'

The figure, which face cannot be identified, bowed in front of a gigantic chair, which seemed to be empty. A bystander would've called him crazy, if The Chair wouldn't have moved. And yes, it was The Chair, who moved. The Chair seemed to transform into a gigantic being.

Eliana.. That was her name.. She looked like light itself, because that's what she was.. Light.. Or in other words.. That's what she should've been now, if it wouldn't have been for 'someone' to take her powers..

Her voice, somehow provided light to the figure. His face, once dark, was hit with dozens of light beams. 'Dear Elek, what is it, what you have found?' Eliana asked him. 'I've found The One...' Elek said.

Eliana widened her beautiful golden eyes. A small smile started to appear on her face, though it disappeared a few seconds after. 'No. Impossible.. Are you sure that what you've seen was actually there?' She seemed insecure. She looked deep into Elek's eyes, which made him a bit uncomfortable. 'Well.. Yes.. I have seen him with my own orbs, which you gave me, after you rescued me.' Elek turned arround after he had said that, facing his back towards her. 'I have to see him..' Eliana said to herself. She looked doubtful, but she soon gave Elek his second task. 'Elek, please. Find The One.. And bring him to me. If he doesn't believe you, call the light. Then.. I'll be there.' Eliana turned arround as well, preparing the transformation. When Elek asked one final question. 'What exactly does he need to believe?' He asked. 'The prophecy.. Don't reveal who he is though.. That is my job..'

And so.. Eliana turned back into The Chair she was before Elek confronted her.. The room, in which The Chair was located, seemed to look like a gigantic cave. It was dark and soggy, just like a swamp at night. Elek looked back once more, before he left 'the cave' to it's peaceful state.

*with Guy, Justin and Daniel*

'Goodness.. I've never ran this far without, well.. basically dying of exhaustion!' Guy proudly stated. 'That's because there's no energy in this place.. It's all gone..' Daniel explained. 'So your exhaustion doesn't even exist here!' Justin added. 'That's amazing.. *sigh*.. I wish Emily was here to see all of this..' Guy sadly looked to the ground which wasn't there. 'Aww.. Are you in lo-' Daniel and Justin started. They got cut off by a 'WHAAAAAAAAATAATAAAAA?!!!' from Guy. 'Oh my Goodness!' Daniel screamed, while clinging onto Justin, who just rolled his eyes at all of this.. 'First off.. Dan, GET OFF ME!!' Justin screamed. 'And now.. secondly, Guy? Why on earth did you scream so loudly??' Justin asked, while Daniel still trembled in fear behind his back. 'L..Look down.. Wh.. What that??!' Guy stuttered, while he intensely stared at the infinite darkness under his feet. 'Th.. Tha.. Thaaaah.. Brr!' Daniel mumbled. 'Just.. Let me talk? Okay? You know that you can't say like.. more than three words whenever you're scared.' Justin teased. 'Akaalaa.. Akallaa.. Njow..' Daniel looked down in shame while he mumbled something. 'Anyway.. That's darkness.' Justin explained. 'Yes.. I can see that.' Guy said, while he looked at Justin. 'But do you believe it?' Justin asked. 'Well I.. Wait what? What is there to believe? There's darkness there right?' Guy asked him. 'Oh yes, that definitely is darkness. Have you ever looked to the ceiling though?' Justin asked him, while he patted the poor Daniel on his back. Guy looked towards the ceiling.. And he saw light. Guy stared to inhale a lot of air. Justin covered his ears, while Daniel was playing with his hair, when suddenly. 'NJAAAAAAH! WHAAHAHAHAHAHAAA!' Guy screamed, probably thrice as loud as his last scream. Justin uncovered his ears, when they both heard a weird, but cute sound. 'Goo!'. Guy and Justin looked behind them to see Daniel, sucking on his thumb, while doing professional acrobatic moves. 'Great.. Now you've scared him to.. Craziness..' Justin sighed as he walked towards Daniel, who immediately fell asleep. 'Um.. Well.. I'm sorry, but what is all of that.. Light?' Guy asked. 'We don't know. Thr only thing we know is that this.. maze of emptiness creates a border.. A border between Light and Darkness.' Justin fell silent after that as sleep overtook him too. Guy decided to sit on the 'ground' for a while. He looked up once more, before he fell asleep too. 'Goodnight Mom and Dad.' Were his last words.. Before he snored... Pretty loudly..

*With Emily, Mat and John*

'Just.. A few steps..' Emily said. John and Mat followed her. They went to a pool of water to drink. It helped them to recover some energy and continue the journey. They could see a gigantic pillar behind the hill they tried to climb. 'I.. could be the first one to see.. the citaaaaaah!' John rolled back to the place where they started climbing. 'Hahaaa! Look who's fallen behind now huh? Haha..AAAAAAH!' Mat teased, before he tripped on a rock and rolled down the hill too.. 'I will not fall..' Emily said to herself.. 'I will not let you down.. Guy..' Emily finally stood on top of the hill, when she suddenly fainted and rolled back, just like Mat and John.. 'Finally, we'll be able to..' Mat stopped talking, while John, who was standing behind him, looked at him weirdly. 'What is it?' He asked. 'Are you hearing what I'm hearing?' Mat asked back. 'Well.. If you mean yourself, rambling about stuff I don't understand, then. Yes.' Mat just glared at him. Suddenly, they were both tackled to the floor..


'Ouuuch! I think I broke my little toe!' Mat whined. 'Shut up Mat! It's just grass.' John mumbled. 'Oh..'
'What happened though..' Mat asked, after he removed the grass from his feet. 'Emily fainted.. Probably because of the city. Or is it because I'm too.. Witty? Hahahaha!' John laughed. 'Oh haha! You are SO funny.. I wonder why that'd help with my first place as 'hill climber'? Hahaa!' Mat teased before he ran up the hill, only to tumble downwards.. again..

The boys seemed to forget Emily, who laid in the grass.. They seemed confident that they wouldn't faint, like her. But after they saw what she saw..

They couldn't believe it..


Story Notes:

Eliana means 'Of the Sun'

Hullanta means 'The Universe'/'Everything' in Amharic/Ethiopian

First of all.. My apologies.. I haven't been uploading in a while. I was having troubles with.. Myself.. Wow.. That came out weird. Anyway, I hope you've enjoyed this story so far! The next chapter will be uploaded in a few weeks.. And yes.. It takes a lot of time for me to think about logical explanations for everything that has happened to far ;). See ya!

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 05, 2020 ⏰

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