Darkness Rules

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'What do we do now, Sir?'
'We wait.. Once they come back.. We can continue our.. Mission.'
'Alright, Sir.' The soldier said, while walking towards the sleeping area.
'*sigh*... He.. destroyed it.. HE FREAKING DESTROYED IT!! My plan! I was almost done! And now? Grrr!'
Dorial walked back into the gigantic crater inside the Keoss Mountain.
After a while, he ,again, stood before Portal..
Dorial: 'I.. should have been faster... I could have saved you.. And be with you by now. But no.. That.. Stupid.. Guy.. He thinks he can stop me from.. Whatever he thinks I'm doing? *sigh*... I just want to.. be with you again..'

*seven billion years ago*

?: 'We should protect Him.. We can't  trust anyone at the moment.'
?: 'You're right.. He's already immortal, right?'
?: 'Yes.. Yes He is...'

While Dorial was thinking about.. That.. The General walked downwards, into the crater. He was worried that Dorial tried to go into the portal, while ultimately killing himself.. But no.. here he was.. Almost... Crying?

General: 'Sir? Sir! What is going on?'
Doral: 'Wh..What..'
Dorial looked up, only to see the worried eyes of the General. 'I think it's time to tell the true story.' Dorial thought..
Dorial: 'General, I think it's time I told you who I actually am..'
General: 'Err.. Mind me if I'm mistaken Sir, but.. You ARE Dorial.. Right?'
Dorial: 'Yes and no.. Let me tell you.. *sigh*.. my story'
General: 'Wait! Hold on.. I thought you hated telling stories..'
Dorial: '... That's why I'm telling it once.. You can tell it to the rest.. I'm not that good at storytelling. Anyway, let me begin..'

Dorial: 'It all started seven billion years ago... My parents.. were the best parents ever.. They cared for me, so much.. I could feel it.. Their love.. For each other, and for me.. Of course.. There were some problems, but these didn't bother us. Besides.. We had to worry about something else.. Or rather... Someone else..'

'The universe was split onto two parts.. One was red, slightly purple and the other part was totally blue. The two sides were no friends, but they were family. How does that work? Well.. Let me tell you..'

'Fifteen billion years ago... Darkness overwhelmed the universe... Darkness ruled, like it should be doing now.. There were only four beings.. Don't ask me where those beings came from, because I have no idea.. Anyway.. Those four beings were extremely powerful. Two of them were my parents, while the other two.. Were.. *sigh*.. Guy's parents..'

General: 'WHAAAT?!'
Dorial: 'AAHAAHAA! MY EARS!... Did you have to scream so hard? Err.. General?'
The General just stood there in shock.. Dorial didn't seem to buy it, so he started to poke the poor General..
Dorial: 'Hmm.. No reaction.. You're well trained.. You can come back now..'
*General.exe is not responding*
Dorial: 'All right.. I'll wait.. I have enough time..'

*With Emily, Mat and John*

Emily, Mat and John were still traveling.. Well.. Mat and John were sill traveling.. Emily was.. Running.. Pretty fast..

Mat: 'How.. Does she do that?' 
John: 'How does she do.. What?'
Mat: '... You've got to be kidding me.  Don't you see?! Look where she is!'
John looked up from the ground.. He could see Emily.. A few Miles away..
John: 'Oh my.. Come on! Hurry!'
'Wait what.. No! That's not what I meant!.. I.. *sigh*.. I only wanted you to follow her, so that I could walk easily.. and now? I have to run... And I'm tired already..' Mat mumbled, while he, against his own wishes, started to run after John and Emily.
After a while.. John managed to keep up with the speed Emily was running with...
John: 'Emily? Why are you running so fast?'
Emily: 'Why.. Not.. *gasp*.. We have to reach... *gasp*.. the city. As fast as possible.. Besides.. Why walk if you can run?'
John: 'Well.. Not all of us can run that easily...'
Emily: 'What do you mean?'
John looked behind them, he stared at something for a while.. Emily, confused, slowly followed suit. She finally saw the most hilarious thing ever.

Mat tried to keep up with both Emily and John, which was no easy task if you don't have any energy left.. So.. Poor Mat crawled forwards.. with an extraordinary speed of 1 mile per hour..

Mat: 'W..*gasp*..H*gasp*..A*gasp*..T..'
Emily: 'Oh... I see.. Err.. John?'
John: 'Yes?'
Emily: 'Could you do something for me?'
John: 'Yes... I'm prepared for anything...'
Emily: 'Could you bend... Over?...'
John: '... Correction.. I'm prepared for everything except that.  Now... WHY ON EARTH SHOULD I DO THAT?!'
Emily: 'Why is that a bad thing.. Oh.. I see.. Isn't the girl supposed to do th-'
John: 'You know what? Never mind.. I'll do it.. Only if you never speak of this again..'
Emily: '.. Err.. Okay..'

John, again.. against his wishes, slowly bent forwards... He was waiting for a few minutes.. until..
Emily: 'Ugh.. Man.. This.. is.. *grunt*.. Heavy..'

John wanted to stand up right after he heard those.. weird noises.. he Could have done that.. Only if he was smart enough not to trust Emily..

John: 'Err.. Emily? What are yo-AAAAAAAH! WHAT IS THAAAAAAAT!'

Emily: '*gasp* that.. *gasp*.. Is Mat... I put him on top of your back..'
John: 'Now why would you do that!?'
Emily: 'I can run.. While you can carry Mat...'
John: 'And why do I have to carry hi-... Aaand.. She's gone.. Of course.. Mat? Are you ready?'
Mat: 'Yuuhh'
John: 'What did you say?'
Mat: 'YUUHH'
John: 'I guess that means yeah?..'
Mat: 'Yezzz...'
John: 'Are you even awake??'
'Zzz...mhh..Zzz...Cake...Zzz..Eat.. Zzz..foood..' Mat mumbled, while he started to chew on John's hair..

Emily heard some strange noises behind her, so she looked behind her to see what was going on.. after a few seconds... She saw John runner way faster than her, while she could see Mat chewing on John's hair..
Emily: 'Well... That works better than coffee...'
So.. The group ran towards the gigantic city, which laid a few hundred miles away...

*With Dorial and The General*

'... That's it! I'm going to wake you up.. If you like it, or not.. That's not my problem!' Dorial screamed, while he punched the General in his.. Weak spot.
General: 'NJAAAAAJ! Aahahaaaah! Whaaaaaht the??'
Dorial: 'Should I continue telling my story??'
General: 'Uh.. Hehe.. Yeah.. of course.. Sir..'
Dorial: 'Great... now.. Let's continue... WITHOUT those 2 hour breaks...'

End of chapter 2.1:  Darkness Rules...
Story will continue in chapter 2.2:
Fight or Flight..

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