Chapter 5 - Brad Calm Down Mate, Stacey How Dare You?

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Brad's Pov

We all just stood there in shock. There was a gang who had killed someone. But who could it be? Chelsea walked forward to see who was on the floor dead.

'Siera...' She said.

I walked up to her to find that Chelsea was right. Siera was laying there on the floor dead. She had blood flowing out of her stomach.

'Siera,' I screamed. I ran upto the guy who was holding the gun. I ripped his mask of to find out that the guy was a girl who had killed my girlfriend.

'Stacey...' I heard Nina whisper.

'You killed my girlfriend?' I say shockingly.

'So you are in a gang Stacey? Or if that is your real name?' Chelsea said.

'Enough! First of all, yes I did kill your girlfriend. Second of all my name has always been Stacey and it always will remain as Stacey. And third of all, yes I killed your stupid girlfriend, you dork,' Stacey says, but she sounded sarcastic but she can never be sarcastic.

'Wow, good show Stacey. How long you been in a gang? And how long you planning to hide it from us?' Chelsea surprisingly said.

'Well, I have been in a gang for 2 years now, so I have been hiding it from you all for 2 years to be honest!' She had said.

'Wow, Stacey you are such a betrayer! I knew you were trouble from the day I met you!' Sinaed had fuoriously said.

'How dare you kill my girlfriend? What has she ever done to you? I need an answer from you right now!' I shouted.

'Well I had to kill her. She thought it would be a great idea to make me and my family homeless. Her family had burned donw my home because of some rivilre. We were living on the streets for 2 months. She stood there and laughed. I was only 9 years old. That's why I didn't come to school for 2 months, you all thought I had disappered. Siera walked past everytime with her family and just throw garbage at us like we were trash cans. Once she got a bucket full pf pee and just threw it on us, while we were asleep. I cried a lot. She also took a photo of us and posted it on facebook. None of my other family took us in whilst our house was getting fixed.That's why, when I turned 16, I was gaurenteed  to get revenge of Siera or her family. And that's what I got!' Stacey sounded like a speaker yet fierce when she was talking about her miserable life.

'Well, you could have spoken or talked through it with her family. You should have sat down and talk through the differences both families had, instead of killing her you idiot,' Kyle blurted out.

I was still in shock.

'Yeah Siera was also going to take my family to court tomorrow, so I basically had no choice but to kill her with the rest of my gang,' Stacey continued.

'I don't understand your problem Stacey. And why was she going to take you to court?' Nina said.

'Beacuse she had found out that I had killed her mum, dad and brother, dammit,' Stacey screamed.

'You stupid, stupid, stupid grunc. You will never be forgiven for this,' Maria shouted.

'Everyone, thanks for coming to our birthday. Sorry it got interupted by this douchbag. You can go home now,' Chelsea apologised to the rest of the guests. They all left.

'You are no longer allowed to hag around with us anymore!' Nina says whilst slapping the grunch.

'I posted on facebook, that noone would be hanging around with you or talking to you!' Jake says whilst laughing.

'What, please don't do that,' Stacey whimpered.

'Well, that wasn't going to happen but you forced us to do it,' Kyle said.

'But...' Stacey murmured.

'No buts or ifs dude, you will have to face the concequences,' Jake says

'Please don't take me and the gang to jail,' Stacey begged.

'What gang?' I asked.

'Huh, tis gang...' she paused and turned.

Her gang made a run for it, I think it was when they heard the word jail, they got scared I think.

'Don't worry we are not going to tell the police,' I say.

'Why?' Stacey asked.

'Coz  I don't want any hassle with them or stuff like that, so you betta keep your mouth shut about this!' I said whilst she nodded.

I took the body with the boys help and put it in the car. It was 4:30am, 13th April 2014. Can't belive it is that time already. So Siera must have gotton killed today, so on 13/04/14. We shall find that out when the post mortem report comes. I can't believe my Siera is dead. But it is for the best.

I didn't know what to do without her anymore. We did everything together. I picked her up from home to go to school and dropped her home from school. We went out together. I basically saw her 24/7, 365 days a year. We were planning to move in together as soon as she hadturned 18. But that has all changed thanks to That Stacey.

'Stacey, you better watch out,' I thought to myself in my head. 


Hey all, thanks for reading. Wow, who knew Stacey could do that! Let's try and get some readers. Thanks for reading lovely's ;) xxxx

- Devina - 

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