Chapter 12 - The Romance!

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Kyle's pov

Wow, I am enjoying myself, so are the others with the whole Stacey business. It was funny though.

So, we were spending a lot of time with the girls that we started to fall for them. The way Brad looks at Sinaed, the way Jake mingles with Nina, the way Alec makes Maria laugh and the way I hold Chelsea's hand. It's just so cute. Brad is starting to forget all about Siera. That's good, he needs to move on to be honest.

I never thought Chelsea would be the girl I was looking for. I have known her for 18 years know and we just end up together. My gosh what a small world. Chelsea is just like me.

So, we all went to the park where we just spent time together but we went for a picnic so it was in the evening. It was 4 o'clock in the afternoon, so technically it's the afternoon. Bt by the time we leave from here, it will be night time. 

'What have we got in that picnic basket eh?' Alec asked sneakly.

'Cheese and cucumber sandwiches, chocolate cake, rice cakes, cheese sald wraps, crisps, noodles, carrot sticks,' Chelsea replied.

'That sounds nice,' I say.

We all started to eat, which was really nice. I thought that there would be some food left over but there wasn't any. We are all pigs. By the time we all finished it was 6:45pm. It started to get dark but the moon was out, it was a full moon tonight, the light from the moon was giving us enough light to see. It was beutiful, just like Chelsea. 

We all finished and stood up to go to the little bridge. I held hands with Chelsea. I could see that the other lads had linked hands with the girls. Brad has moved on from Siera and I think he will be happy with Sinaed. We had reached the bridge. Us lads hugged the girls from behind. Next thing you know, us 3 'couples' linked lips. It felt so good. Then we all went home.

Nina's pov

I got home and went straight upstarirs. I quickly turned the computer on and Skyped the girls. Yay!

'Heya girlies!' I say cheerfully.

'Hey,' they all said.

'Today was just wow, wasn't it?' Maria was just flirty.

'Yeah, I have always liked Brad ever since I started the school, even when he was going out with Siera.' Sinaed said.

'Yeah I think we all have boyfriends.' Chelsea blurted.

'I had so much fun tonight,' Maria had excitment in her voice.

We all nodded.

We all talked for hours, until we all fell asleep whilst we were still on skype. 

We all woke up the next morning and just laughed. It was only a Saturday. So me and Sinaed went to Chelsea and Maria's house for the day.

We had a great day, having a mini photo session, so we took photo's together for memories then we talked about prom and how we gonna embarrass Stacey more.

It was the end of the day, so me and Sinaed went to our respective homes. I went to bed at 10:30pm as I was really tired.


Sorry everyone, it's been days since I had last updated. But here is another chapter for you all but only one chapter as I am still writing the next chapter so it won't be up until soon. Hope yu all like it and keep reading and all that. Thanks lovely's ;) xxxxxx

- Devina - 

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