|Chapter 1| Scammed.

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I sigh and toss and turn. It's too early to wake up. I turn around and go back to sleep, only for me to realize that I had something important to do. The time is 12:13 AM and I get out of bed, and I snatch the piece of mail that I got this morning. It says that there's a group of people from my work place that would like to tell me that I could work a business deal with them, including getting a possible raise, and maybe opening up my own bar. They claimed that I was one of their best bartenders, and I saw error in their ways.

If I am one of their best bartenders, wouldn't they want me to stay at their place? Well they did say that they could give me a raise, and I see that if they pay more money for my job, I would be more likely to keep my job there.

I thought over the piece of mail for hours before I went to bed, but now that it was time to meet up with them, my curiosity was too much to contain. I grabbed my trench coat and mixology book (just in case police ask where I am going and what I am doing) and I also grab a plum, and speedwalk out the door.

I managed to make it up Mt.Ebott at 1:00 AM. The hiking took up most of my time, but I still made it on time.

"Miss Y/N! I didn't think you would accept the proposal." A suited man came out of a low-lying tree.

"You, did accept it, didn't you?" Came a sweet high-pitched voice from the side of me.

"My name's James. I am happy to see you tonight." A 18 year old looking man said in front of me, and held out his hand for me to shake.

I shook it.

"Pleasant to see that I wasn't scammed, and that this whole hiking trip wasn't for nothing!" I laughed. The trio exchanged glances and nervously laughed.

"Yes. Miss Y/N! If you were to serve the mayor and his wife at our place, then you'll get a raise." Okay that doesn't sound too hard...

"But there's a catch!" The woman sang.

"You would have to retrieve some buttercups from down at that cave," James pointed backwards to a cave behind him. "and be alive to bring them back up. THEN you will get that new bar that we suggested!" He clapped.

"Is it, okay that I just serve the mayor and his wife?" I had a weird feeling that these people were not trustworthy.

"Yes but if you do just serve the mayor and his wife, then you'll have to poison them with some, virginia creeper." Virginia Creeper? I have never heard of that. I bet it's poisonous.

"Oh yes!" The woman stepped closer to me now. "You just have to add it as a garnish on top of a drink! Then they'll eat some of the sap, and the leaves too!"

"Wait wait wait!" I shook my hands. "I don't want to poison the mayor and his wife! That's just rebellious and sinister!" The trio looked at each other, then at me.

"Looks like you have no choice." The man grinned.

"You have to go down that hole and get those buttercups!" The woman showed her teeth.

"C'mon Miss Y/N! It's not that hard if you are willing to do so!" James looked through his hair and to me. I widened my eyes and took a step backwards. Right after I turned my head to run, I felt someone pull on my arm and yank me towards the cave.

"You want that bar, don't you?" The man spoke in his still sweet way yet his body was the polar opposite as he carelessly gripped me and made me land on my butt and wrapped an arm around my neck.

"C-mon sweetie! All you have to do is get buttercups and come back up," The woman's gaze looked upon me with fake sweetness.

"And then we'll give you the bar up here on Mt.Ebott and help you with it!" James towered over me, with my butt on the ground, and I could do nothing as the man who has a strangle pose on me could start to kill me any moment.

"Can't I deny both?" I asked reasonably.

"No." The three spoke in harmony and all helped the man toss me down the hole.

"Good bye!" The man said.

"Don't forget to write!" The woman called.

"Don't let the monsters bite!" James shouted.

I could see the little light of the moon shrink to a pinprick and then I decided to close my eyes.

I landed.

I opened my eyes and saw sunshine shining down on me, which made me wonder...

"How long was I out?" I spoke out loud.

I noticed that I didn't break anything, and that my butt was comforted with buttercups that miraculously kept me alive.


I picked a buttercup, and saw that they were quite large. The petals were the size of my hand! I sniffed it, and I sighed at the flowery, peaceful, smell.

I grabbed one and kept it in one of my trench coat pockets, and I checked to see if my book was still there, and it was, and I relaxed and went forwards to a purple door that I noticed.

Somebody lives down here?

I opened the ancient door, and the room on the other side was a lot similar to the one I just came from, except for an extra large yellow flower with a white head. I walked over it, and I kinda wanted to pet it.

Then it turned around.

"GAH!" I shouted in surprise.

There in front of me, was a flower with a face on it. It was smiling at me, and it looked pretty innocent, but not naive... for some reason.

"Howdy!" I jerked again at the surprise of me hearing a talking flower.

"You can talk?" I eyed the flower.

"Yes yes I can talk." The flower looked annoyed. Then his expression turned to one of glee. "I'm Flowey! Flowey the Flower!"

I saw that he started dancing.

"Hehe. Flowey the Flower huh?" I reached out my hand to pet Flowey, but then one of Flowey's leaves swatted away my arm, which hurt alot for a leaf. It felt like a slap from a book.

"Oww..." I mumbled.

"Don't touch me idiot." I then felt vines wrap around me.

"W-What are you doing Flowey?!" I then felt a vine wrap around my mouth.

"I'm killing you of course!" I saw Flowey with the most demonic looking face I have ever seen.

I felt thorns dig into my skin, and I felt myself bleeding, but then I saw a fireball hit Flowey away. The vines disappeared and I somehow got healed. I looked up from my now healed scrapes to see a... Goat lady?

"Ah, do not be afraid human. My name is Toriel. I am the caretaker of the ruins." I smile at her motherly voice and her smell of flowers and flour. Hehe.

"The ruins? You mean this whole place that is purple?" I do a 360 and gesture with my arms wide open.

"Hehe! Of course! Us monsters here in the ruins live peacefully, and in harmony." She looks down at her feet, which are without shoes. I then realize that she doesn't need shoes. "It feels small once you get to know the place, but it's quite friendly and nice." I then notice her red eyes when she blinks. They are the color of rubies and it seems to suit her.

Toriel leads the way to the entrance of the ruins, and I feel a sense of hope that I could bring back these buttercups, or maybe even stay down here. It seems like a great place to set up a bar.

This walk with Toriel fills me with aspiration.

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