|Chapter 9| The resolution.

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It seemed like I was going to be working alone.

Like I was ever going to agree to Grillby's deal. 

I was actually considering it, but that was only because of Grillby's insistent pleading.

But after what he-

No. How he acted towards me,

I thought it would be illogical to partner up with someone immature. 

Then again, he is a single father, from the looks of it. I felt sympathy, but his actions tipped me off and I decided against it.

Though there's that silent nagging somewhere in my 'theoretical' soul that is saying I should agree the deal.

But I don't listen to my heart,

I listen to my head.

Yet.... I can't get over the fact that Fuku is possibly my problem. She's the daughter of the fireman and she lives off of him. If I rid him of more money, then she won't get by in life. I need to think about this deeply. If I choose the wrong decision, then I know it will have a lasting affect on the ones younger than me.

I think I just made my decision there. Though it's a very ironic one, considering I hate him and I previously thought otherwise....

Welp! It's an important decision, and whenever I march my way towards the bar called 'Grillby's,' then I will not be indecisive.

So then I walked back to where I came from, and went back inside.

It was rather silly for me to go back inside, but it's cold outside and I don't have a place to stay after this. I feel like a freeloader.

*knock knock* I waited in the wind for someone to open the door.

"Who is it?..." Sans, the person who answered the back door, trailed off at my unexpected appearance once again.

"Hear me out Sans. It's cold out here, and even though I am acting like a freeloader here, I decided to agree to Grillby's proposal." I spoke curtly, my breath of air, visible as it blows away.

"Oh. Well... Okay." He opens the door for me, and closes it behind me, as I see the person I would have not like to see ever again.

"Grillby." I breathe.

Grillby pivoted on his heel towards the sound of my voice, and to say the least, he looked surprised. Of course he was. I kinda made a grand exit, but now I make a curt entrance.

"Y/N?" He sounded. I looked up to him with annoyance, yet also the curiosity of what he were to say. 

"I'm listening." I stare into Grillby's glasses.

"Uhm..." Grillby trailed off in what seems to be embarrassment. His fire turned more red, but it didn't look threatening, more pitiful, if you were to ask me. "Look, I'm..." He took off his glasses and face palmed with the opposing hand. "Sorry. I wanted to take back what I said about you... The fact that I said, "I hate you," in such an immature way... Just made me want to immediately take back what came out of my flaming mouth," Behind him I heard a faint gasp, the one of Fuku Fire. Perhaps 'flaming' is the monster word for one of our censored words? "I can't believe that I would even use that tone on you! It's completely unnecessary, and as I said before, immature of me. So please," I looked back to Grillby, whose face was out of his left hand, and looking solemnly upon me. "Forgive me."

I blinked.

Forgive him?  I thought over the apology. He seemed extremely sincere. I'm surprised at this, speechless, about this sudden 'greet.' I thought I hate him, about how he was so impolite, but now he's.... apologizing...

I looked back up to him, his sad eyes, that are curved so he shows his expression without even showing pupils. His white fire, acting as his eyes, when I really look at it, express guilt, and regret. Never have I seen a human with such sincerity. It seemed so real, it would be fake, yet something about Grillby told that otherwise.

"I..." My mouth sounded. I looked towards the ground, unable to look him in the eyes anymore after seeing his emotions bundled and closely packed into two little flickering flames that we call his eyes. I found the floor we were standing on, fascinating, since it was wood, so I assumed it was fireproof. Finally, I uttered the words that everybody was anxiously waiting to hear in the deafening silence of the room. "Forgive you." 

In the blink of an eye, I was swooped up into a firey embrace, that registered in my brain to be Grillby's arms.

"Thank you thank you thank you!" He cheered as he squeezed me near his chest, where I could faintly hear a: 'thump thump,' sound. I processed the sound as what could only be his soul. As fast as I was pulled up, I was quickly put down, but not roughly, but more like you are in a rush to finish decorating your house for your in-laws coming over and you are setting a vase down.

Not too hard, yet efficient.

"Sorry!" Grillby apologized once again. "I got too excited. I promise to never do that again! That was so improper of me, to carry a lady like you so suddenly in the course of a few seconds!" Grillby scratched the back of his firey neck, his flames flickering madly in embarrassment.

"It's alright." My calm voice sounded out of place next to Grillby's boisterous one full of, quite literally, energy. "It may have been improper, but now after this whole thing, I can truly trust you that you are very sincere! And to top off your excitement for the day, I decided to accept your proposal that I at first declined, but now I accept." I smile up at the grinning fireman, the glee expressed in his flaming face was contagious. 

"You do not know how much this means to me." Grillby's acts mellowed tremendously, but still could just barely cover up all his excitement. 

"Hey you two." Sans's deep voice sounded from beside us. We all turned to the new source of sound that sounded alien to the atmosphere that Grillby and I were having. "You done cheering? I was thinking that Grillbs here should close the shop along with Fuku. She kinda did already. The plates still need to be cleaned, and she already locked the door, and turned the, open, sign off." Sans addressed the two of us, and Grillby nodded to Sans's words.

"Of course. Let me get you set up so-"

"Nah nah, you don't need to pay me, I need to get back to Papyrus to read his bed-time stories." He reads Papyrus bed-time stories? "Plus, I was kinda thinking that you could let Y/N here do the job for me." he gestured towards me, in which I rolled my eyes at his laziness.

"Oh! Well, if she's up for it." He looked towards me for an answer, and I gave him a shrug.

"Sure why not? I don't have a place to go, so I may as well." I made my way towards the door, politely waving a goodbye to Sans and Fuku, and I closed the door, and looked upon the mess that laid before me.

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