|Chapter 10| Excuses.

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Grillby's POV:

This whole fervor went by so fast, yet it seemed to have lasted longer. I was still baffled at how she forgave me, and her demeanor seemed to have brightened. She was still a bit sassy, but that's a characteristic she has I guess. I smiled at her actions, and Sans and Fuku seemed to have caught on.

"Did ya drink like, coffee, or something? 'Cause you seem as energetic as Papyrus right now." Sans commented on my attitude and posture.

"Oh I don't drink much coffee, but, this whole thing just somehow made me feel so much brighter." I still continued to stare at the door that Y/N went through.

"Hmm.... Looks like somebody has a crush!~" Sans and Fuku sounded, speaking at the time respectively. 

"Oh I do not! That's rather silly and too quick to develop romantic feelings for a possible business partner, er, I mean, official, business partner." Their comment caught me off guard, and lucky me, they know me so well, that when my flames flicker wildly and my flames turn red, especially around my head and face, shows that I am embarrassed.

"Sure.~" Sans bounced his eyebrows at me, which I just rolled my flames at him.

"No. I don't like her like that." I felt like I was speaking to a child.

"Yet you don't hate her anymore..." Fuku perked beside me.

"No, I don't hate her like that either." I crossed my arms at these immature actions that these two are throwing at me.

"Well then. That leaves only one thing left." Both Sans and Fuku looked at each other mischievously and I could only look at them with a frown on my face. What are they planning?

"You love her!" They shouted in harmony.

"Shshshshsh! Not so loud! She might hear!" I blushed furiously, and covered their mouths. It did little, but it was a gesture for them to shut up. Sans speaks without moving his mouth, and Fuku, well, we fire elementals don't really have mouths, so...

"Does that mean that you love her?" Sans ignored my hand covering his mouth.

"No!" I furiously blushed and spit out, in our firey way.

"*Sigh* Dad, you know we are just teasing you." Fuku grinned at me, trying to calm me. "Also, going back to that caffeine comment... This is the most I have ever seen you so emotional about something! Typically, you would be very blasè like Sans, and quite quiet. This girl, er, woman, Y/N I mean, seems to have really, and I mean, really, set something off in you. Like you said before, how you felt you had lost something, when Y/N left into the blizzard..." Fuku trailed off, staring at the ground, lost in thought.

"Uhm... Fuku?" I nudge her.

"H-Huh? Oh I'm fine! I was just... Lost in thought! Yeah!" Fuku excused herself, her flames glowing with nervousness.

"O-kay..." Sans spoke. "Whatever you say."

There was a weird silence that started to form in the air. No one knew what to say, or do, so silence there was. Then a thought came to Grillby, but it was more of a reminder than anything.

"Oh! Gotta go help Y/N clean the bar." I gestured my exclamation by pointing upwards, and I walked towards the door to the bar.

Let's hope I don't act out of character again. I thought, as I turned the doorknob so that I entered the new room.


"Thanks for helping me Y/N. As a being of fire, I can't exactly touch water." I joke, putting up the last chair.

"You're welcome. That's why you needed Sans to help, right?" She looked towards me, putting away the last dish.

"Correct." I make my way towards the bar countertop and I sat myself on it.

"That's very unprofessional." Y/N scolded me.

"There's no customers around. Surely it's alright for me to get casual when there's nobody to serve." I comment back.

"Touché." She says as she leans onto the countertop, her rear being at a higher altitude than her head.

"Look who's being hypocritical?" I tease her, and she just rolls her eyes at me.

"Hey, since you're doing it, I'ma doing it. Also, what time is it now? I need to go to the inn soon. I need sleep like you do." Y/N told me, and I looked to her. I thought of a possible solution for her, yet I weighed the positives and the negatives first.

"Hmm..." I stared at the wooded floor, and I let my mouth function by itself. "Time for you to get a watch."

Before I could take back what I had said, I heard Y/N snort.

"Never thought of you to be the joking type! Also that was great by the way." Y/N smiled at me.

"Oh! Heheh! What's really funny is that I hadn't meant to say that. I just let whatever come out of my mouth." I look away from Y/N's gaze. I accidentally made her laugh, and I feel like Sans is rubbing off of me. But in the good way.

I kinda like that.

"Well... About your sleeping situation..." I trailed off, thinking on my conclusion, still second guessing myself.

"Hmm?" Y/N hummed in curiosity. 

"I was thinking..." I closed my eyes, and turned my head towards hers and opened them. "Maybe you could bunk at the back? It's the closest so it would be the most reasonable, and also-"

"Sorry to cut you off there. But you don't have to." She acted so modest! How could she though?!

"You nearly died out there in the blizzard! I do have to! Do you really think I would be ill-minded like that and let you go to the inn, and make you suffer?!" I raised my voice, which surprised myself at my emotions, like Fuku had said. I did portray my emotions more, with Y/N around. I'm starting to wonder why. Though, I'll think about that later, since I slightly surprised Y/N.

"Woah." She finally spoke, which was only five seconds. "I didn't know someone cared about me that much, and you're the least person I had expected to see doing that." 

"Wait, really?" I calmed my raging flames that were flickering wildly seconds ago. "I'm the first?"

"Well, when you put it that way..." Y/N looked to me, from previously looking to her side. "Yeah."

We both locked gazes, as we both didn't want to look away. I blinked a couple of times, when I realized what we were doing, and I got off the countertop, along with Y/N. She seemed flustered, since her cheeks turned a lively pink.

"I'll... set you up on the couch." I announced, and made my way towards the back entrance. The clicking of my heels were the only sound in the room, well, aside from the crackling of my flames, but besides that, there wasn't a voice to be heard, a breath from lungs, or another padding of footsteps.

It was just one.

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