|Chapter 17| The fire.

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Grillby's POV:

"Why did I say that?... Why did I suggest that?..." I slouched onto the bar top, my aura around me, dripping with sorrow. My flames, dim, only lighting up the circumference of where me and Sans were at.

"Grillby. It's not your fault!" Sans tried to comfort me.

"Yes it is..." I mumbled through my hands that were holding my face.

"No it's not!" Sans glared down at me, and slammed his hand onto the bar counter in the process. I felt his eyelights boring into my fiery neck, but I didn't respond to it. I deserved it.

"Yes... It is..." I felt indifferent to Sans's encouraging words. I felt only nothing in my soul; no warmth, just chilliness.

"Grillby. You're acting like a teenager." Sans commented, and I looked upwards towards him.

"What do you mean?" I meekly asked, and he rolled his eye lights.

"Kids have drama and first it would be warmth and fuzziness, but then it would turn into somebody crying." Sans gestured slightly with his hands. "At least, that's what Fuku told me."

"But this is different." I pitifully excused myself.

"Name one thing that makes this different." He retorted, and I stopped slouching and thought about what was different.

"Well, for teens, they, would be dramatic over love." I spoke to myself, earning a satisfactory look from Sans. "And for me, well, I'm thinking of..." My eyes widened at a sudden realization.

"Thinking of... what, Grillby?" Sans looked up towards me, but not catching my gaze in the way he wanted me to. I was staring at the window ahead of me, the one leading to the pathway of Snowdin. I concentrated on it, and I slowly made my way towards the window. I confused the stars out of Sans, but I wasn't caring at that point. My mind was too captivated by my thought. I looked to a corner of the window, and spotted Snowdin's Inn.

The sight made me dim even more.

"What did you see? What are you looking at?" Sans came up to me shortly after I had walked here.

"The inn..." I mumbled. "Where she has gone..."

"Y/N..." Sans trailed off. "You know, you never finished your response to my question."

"Oh? I didn't?" I looked down to him.

"No. You only said you were thinking of... and trailed off. So, what were you thinking of?" Sans questioned me again.

"The correct way to say it, is who, am I thinking of?" I looked back away from Sans. "Y/N."

"So Fuku's and I's prediction was right." Sans mumbled, but I replied to his, claiming that Y/N and I were not in a romantic stage.

"Stage...?" Sans questioned again, also in which his ability to fluster is ticking me off.

"Yeah!..." I smiled at first, but sagged.

"Grillby." Sans averted my attention from the Inn and to his face. "I think you're just denying yourself."

"Denying?" I furrowed my fiery eyebrows at him. "You are still thinking that I am crushing on Y/N?" 

"Well, yeah." Sans put his hands in his pockets. "I think it's obvious."

"But we're not." I retort. Sans sighed beside me.

"There you go again. You remind me of a teenager, like Fuku." I look back to the inn.

"A teenager?" I question, my temper slowly rising.

"Yes. You also seem like you got the, hots, for her!" Sans punned, which made the room brighter with my temperamental flames.

"Sans..." I warned, but he didn't listen.

"With you heating her up, it was like you were too hot to handle!" I felt my flames burning brighter. "Grillby! I have a burning question for you!"

My flames grew a bit more.

"Why do you always have that steaming look on your face?" I turned more red. "Is it because of my flaming match-making skills?" I held onto the wooden ledge while looking out the window. "Hey you should ask her out on a date fry-day!" I looked down to my hands and saw that I started to char the wood. "I lava good date with someone." I didn't care if I did. "Wood-n't you?" I stood up straight. I took a deep breath in, causing me to get more flames. I turned my head around and looked at Sans. 

"Woah Grillbs! You seem like you have a spark in your eyes!" Sans winked at me. I only grew more tense. 

"Sans, you need to sto-"

"No it's time to blaze it up!" He smiled at me. I only glared at him.

"Stop Sans!"

"I was only ashing a question!" He shrugged. I felt something start to tug inside of me.

"Sans. I demand you. You need to st-"

"What you can't stand the heat?" I shook my head. I hadn't felt this irritated since Y/N first arrived.

"Grillbs! Give a man a fire, he'll be warm for the evening." I rolled up my sleeves. 

"Set a man on fire, he'll be warm for the rest of his life!" Something snapped inside of me.

"Sans I had enough!" I lifted my arm up swiftly and I shot fire at him. Sans was beyond startled at my offense, and he just barely dodged the fire attack.

"Grillbs! I was only just kidding!" He tried to excuse himself, but I felt crazed at that point, and I flicked another flame at him. The flame landed near his slippers. "Grillby!"

"Sans! As I said many times," I lowered my right arm, forming a fireball. "I, wanted you,"

"To STOP!" I shot the fireball at him.

He ducked his head just in time, but this caused it to reach the wooden wall at the bar. In the course of a couple of seconds, all of Grillby's was on fire.

"What the hell..." I heard Sans mutter. I shook out of my angered trance, and I looked at the effects of the situation that Sans and I had.

"Run." I commanded Sans, and he teleported out of the burning building. I was stuck in the building, the fire crawling up to the ceiling; not knowing when it would finally break it. I realized that if I didn't start escaping, I will die. 

Then, what seemed to be in slow motion,

I started to run...

Hearing the snap of the wood...

The crackle of the flames...

And the pop of the air...

I grabbed the doorknob...

And lunged out of the building....

Right before it had collapsed...

And onto the snow...

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