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"ugh no!" stiles yelled from his room. lydia sat on the counter and wrote some equations out. "what?" stiles came out looking frustrated and putting his fingers through his hair over a million times. "i have a date tonight and i have no clean clothes! also, the machine downstairs is broke!" stiles walked towards her. "when will i get to meet this mystery girl?" she said taking a sip from her large coffee cup. "when i have clean clothes." he sarcastically smiled and ran into the bathroom.

"i have an idea." lydia said walking into the bathroom as he fixed his hair. "and that is?" he turned towards her as she grabbed some of her clothes off the ground. "come with me to the place where i wash my clothes." lydia turned around and backed right into stiles. their bodies just inches apart. "i'll go." "i'll g-" they both went right. both gave an awkward laugh and lydia ran out of the bathroom.

"ready to go, pretty boy?" lydia said with a smirk and a big thing of clothes in her right arm. "yep." they walked out of the building and got to roscoe. "where's this place?" stiles asked. "let me drive and i'll show you." her tiny arm reached for the keys but stiles held them above her head. "nope no one drives roscoe besides me or scott." lydia tickled his armpit and he flinched. she quickly grabbed the cold keys and smiled. "now it's you, scott, and lydia who can drive roscoe." she lightly laughed and hopped in. stiles followed in with a mad expression.

"this is where you get your clothes done at?" stiles said walking into the semi-crowded place. "yes. got a problem?" "no." "good." she danced around. "whatever dork let's go." he laughed and so did she.

she softly hummed "blackbird" by the beatles as she put her clothes on the washer. she turned her back to get detergent when some lady moved lydia's clothes and replaced them with hers. "ahem. sweetheart? what do you think you are doing?" lydia moved in closer. "washing my clothes." the middle aged woman said, also moving in closer. "well, i was here first." "i don't see your name on this machine." "well, my clothes were there." her eyes go over to the pole on the floor. "listen, little girl, why don't you get your mommy to wash your clothes for you?" lydia's mouth was in an 'o' shape. "listen b-" stiles quickly cut in. "ahaha. i am so sorry for my friend but she was here first." he was basically holding lydia back from killing this woman. "well, i. don't. care." she smirked. stiles stopped the lady. "that isn't the rules so take your clothes out and let my friend out hers in." many people were staring. "got your boyfriend to protect you?" "hey, he's not my boyf-" the lady cursed under her breath. "whatever princess."  stiles smiled as she acted like nothing happened. he went to her ear. "you gotta live in the real world, lyds. you can't go around calling people "bitch" to get your way." "i do not, bitch!" "uh huh. sure." he whispered. she laughed as he sat on a dryer. "why aren't you doing your laundry?" "already washed mine. while you were fighting that lady i was washing my clothes." she scoffed. "whatever."

lydia's strawberry blonde hair stayed low in a messy bun as she put her clothes in the dryer. stiles came over with a cart to put the clothes into. he turned his back to begin to put his clothes away as the same lady from before ran up to it. "nope not again!" lydia ran to the other side. "this is our cart!" "oh c'mon princess! not again." stiles stood behind the little cart fight that was happening right before him. "give us our cart!" "no i am taking this!" lydia quickly hopped in the cart. "not with me in it, you won't!" the lady rolled her eyes. "fine! whatever." she walked away and stomped her foot.

lydia spun in the cart to stiles. "i did it!" stiles stopped. "yeah you did! " she brought her hands to his face while laughing. "i did it, i did not call her a bitch!bi did it!" lydia brought him in for a kiss and he let it happen. it lasted about thirty seconds until stiles pulled away. he slowly started to back into the wall of dryers. he was so shocked and awkward that no words came out of his mouth that lydia had just made contact with. "ready to fold?"  he started to walk and hit his head on an open dryer. "oh my gosh! are you ok?" she quickly moved the cart over. "perfect! um, i have to get ready for my date! ready to go?" he held his head as it throbbed. "um-um i'll fold my clothes and have kira pick me up. bye." she ran to the dryer with the cart. he started to walk out and when lydia looked at him, he went into the wall. "that's a-um- wall." lydia hid her face in the warm clothes and sighed. what did i just do?
THIS WAS BASED ON FRIENDS!! man, i do a lot of stuff from friends😂anyways, thanks for reading! what do you think will happen to stiles and lydia? who is this mystery girl? will their friendship be affected by this? stay tuned! love you all!

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