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the week went on. stiles remained alone in the apartment while lydia stayed with kira and malia at their apartment. stiles automatically regretted everything once it came out of his mouth.

she has been ignoring him non-stop. his snapchats, his dms, his messages. EVERYTHING. he looked back at the pictures of them and missed the ways things used to be. no kissing, no relationships, just them. two roommates who laughed through the night. what he would do to get that back.

hey lyds, i know you will just look at this and not answer but...i'm sorry lyds. i'm sorry i called you desperate. things slip out when i'm mad at the people i love. please forgive me and come home.

he sent the message and laid down in his bed. the sun soon went down. he remained in bed, watching tv and doing homework. he flipped through channels until a message notification went off. he prayed it was lydia but it was scott.

bro, let's go out. me & you. guys night in town!!
idk. not feeling it tn.



stiles threw on whatever he could find and walked out the door. he drove his jeep to scott's. "let's go. i'm ready to get drunk off my ass." he said to scott. they drove his jeep and scott said he was designated driver.

they went to a bar just off campus. "oh god karaoke night. never gonna do that." stiles said rolling his eyes.

4 drinks later, stiles was singing some popular 80's song. "THANK YOU!" he ran next to scott and laughed hard. "great job!" stiles bowed. he took a sip of his drink with a grin, looking around the bar. his eyes stopped on three girls who just entered. one had the strawberry blonde hair that he missed. "fu-" he fell off his chair before he could finish his curse. this drew all attention to him. lydia looked at him with a serious look while kira and malia were crying of laughter.

kira kissed scott while malia was looking for a guy to hookup with. lydia stood awkwardly as stiles ordered another drink. "great." they both said. scott noticed the tension and tried breaking it. "want a drink, lydia?" she nodded.

by the time malia finished whitney houston's "i will always love you", lydia and stiles were both highly intoxicated. "i-i'm going up." lydia muttered. "me too." stiles said. it seems when they are drunk, they forget their problems. "don't go breaking my heart." stiles said to the guy running music.

the two tried their best with the hit song but failed. "don't go breaking my-" "don't go breaking my-" "DON'T GO BREAKING MY HEART!!" they both sang. the song ended and the two walked off the tiny stage. "THAT WAS FUN!" lydia yelled. stiles nodded and went for his drink but scott grabbed it. "no more." he pouted. kira did the same with lydia. "time to go home." "let me pee!" stiles cried. "me too!" lydia said throwing her heels off.

the two used the bathroom and met each other outside. "hey lyds." "shhhh." she put her finger on his mouth as she backed him into the wall. "don't talk. i'm sorry i haven't been answering you. i miss you A LOT." they both laughed. me too." lydia slowly leaned in and put her lips on stiles'. the kiss was rough.  the two kissed for a few minutes. they both knew how much they missed each other , even drunk. stiles slowly broke away and looked down at the girl. "come home, please?" "i'll think about it." the two began kissing again, this time more passionate than the last one. "stiles wh-" he saw the two kissing in the corner. "stiles time to go." "bye lyds." he kissed her one last time. kira grabbed lydia and left.

the next morning, lydia woke up next to kira. her head was pounding and she felt like she was going to be sick. she ran for the toilet and hurled. after she was done, she looked in the mirror. her mascara smudged, her lipstick all over, and her hair was a frizzy mess. she was about to hop in the shower when she realized a bruise on her neck. "a hickey?" she whispered to herself. she doesn't really remember anything. except....stiles was there. "shit."

when stiles woke up, he went and made coffee. he slowly took a sip and looked down at the cup. "red?" he looked in the bathroom mirror and saw red lipstick all over his mouth and neck. did he get a hookup and not remember? him and cora weren't exactly over so that might of happened too. he got on his phone and scrolled through instagram. his mouth dropped when he saw someone's post.

"maybe a coincidence?" he prayed as he clicked the comments

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"maybe a coincidence?" he prayed as he clicked the comments.


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