1- Tu'La's invasion

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Y/N-Your Name
L/N- Last Name
F/C- Aaron, jk your favorite color
S/T- Sword Type
P/C: Pelt/Fur Color
I'll add more as the story progresses, soooooooo BE EXCITED! I luv you my pancakes!!!
~Start Music~
~Y/N's POV~
Today's just your average day in Ravenslash- Well, if you think that an all out blood bath is normal. Tu'La is invading us, and we're losing people. FAST. It sucks. It's painful to watch, seeing as I'm a guard here. I feel as if I'm not doing my job...
"Y/N! Help!" I heard the our lord scream. She had one of her katanas to a guards neck, the other pointed at another's throat. Her grey wolf ears had flattened against her head in concentration. I ran to her aid, slashing guards around her as she finished off the two she had pinned.
"Thanks." She said, sighing. I nodded, looking around for more guards, but there weren't any.
It had ended, and we were the only two who had survived.
"E-Everyone's g-gone..." Izzy whispered, her ears drooping sadly.
"I failed... it was my job to protect everyone.." I sighed.
"It's also my job as lord! Don't you go blaming yourself!" Izzy whined, hugging me. I hugged back.
"We should look for a village to stay in." I said gently to her. She nodded.
~Stop Music~
We started walking to the left of our burned down and destroyed pile of death we had called our village.
"Goodbye RavenSlash, you were a wonderful place.." Izzy sighed. I hummed in response.
~Timeskip by llamacorns~
We came up to a wall.
"Civilization!" Izzy cheered, jumping onto my back.
"You're so smol and light... how the heck are you so powerful?!" I questioned. She only shrugged.
"Hello? Is anyone up there?" I called out. A blue haired guy looked down at us.
"State your name and business" ( Get it? Get ittt? Okay I'll stop now... ) He said.
"I'm Izzy, former lord of Ravenslash, and this is Y/N, my guard." Izzy said from my back.
"What do you mean former lord..?" The bluenette asked.
"It burned down." I said blankly.
"Oh. Come on in, I guess." Blue head said, opening the gate.
"TANK CHU!" Izzy yelled, jumping off of my back and skipping into the village. I sighed and followed her.
"hOLO" She grinned, jumping around.
"Weirdo." I mumbled.
"Whatever." I muttered. I walked over to a tree and leaned on it.
"That's my tree." A guy muttered. I shrugged.
"Sharing is caring mask dude." I said to him.
"OOOO NEW GIRL IS BOLD" A guy with white hair yelled.
"Shut it Snowball." I grumbled.
"Oooo, feisty, me likely." He said, getting all up in my face. I went red.
"G-Go away." I stuttered, grumbling in annoyance.
"Nawwww" Snowball said, leaning on the other side of the tree.
"Where'd ya come from?" He asked me.
"Ravenslash." I muttered.
"Thanks. Where'd you come from?" He looked at me.
"A cursed island. Sounds cool, right?" He said, grinning. I shrugged, flicking my P/C tail into his face.
"Heeeeyyyy!" He groaned. I giggled.
"So what even is your name, Snowball?" I asked him.
"Travis. But you can call me yours" he said with a flirtatious wink. I giggled.
"Naw I'm good"
"So what's your name, Wolfy?" He asked.
"Wolfy? Really? Agh, anyway, my name is Y/N" I said, glaring playfully at him.
"Pretty" He complemented.
"Shush yo face." I giggled.
"I SHIP IT!" I heard an all to familiar voice shout.
"Shut up Izzy...." I groaned.
"YOU KNOW YOU LOVE ME!" She shrieked. I facepalmed.

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