Chapter 1

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ABAGAIL didn't want to go to school - she didn't want to get up only to go somewhere that has systems and an unrelenting force of teenage idiots. Humans and werewolves alike. And then there were the teachers, already assuming Abagail was trouble and being even stricter, sending her out if she breathed the wrong way. Sure she was sarcastic and annoying, but she did learn. That's probably what drove the teachers to be strict - confused when she handed in lengthy essays that she volunteerily worked on in her own time. And that her eassay's were better than anyone in her class.

But she only ever got B's.

B's because her out of class behavior effected her grades. She hardly caused that much havoc, there was the odd fight she had between someone who disrespected her or her Alpha, but that was it. Maybe it was her bad girl appearance, calling bad things to come to her as she sometimes defaced school property. It was mostly due to her being uncontrol of her shifts in the past - but thankfully she got a handle on it. Unless she got over angry - her eyes would glow gold - claws come out.

She had scratched a few peoples lockers at the beginning of the year, having started a fight with a blonde bimbo.Holly Hammond viewed Abagail as her rival - always starting non verbal fights where ever they met, because she was always with Caden. Holly was desperate to get back at her after a past incident, where Caden chose Abagail over being Holly's friend. Even if Holly wanted to be more than friends with their soon-to-be Alpha.

So that left the blonde wanting revenge - thinking Abagail was competition.

Abagail thought about cutting boys rather than kissing them. She just had to get through the end of school, where she could then devote herself to her pack - no need for school.

"Hey Abby." A voice hissed at the girl who slowly brought her head up from her phone, her fingers no longer typing away at the keys as she glared at Caden. His hair a darker auburn - making the two pretend they were siblings when they were younger - even now. His eyes were an inviting carmel, his cheek bones high and defined. Intimidating but at the same time he wasn't - especially not to Abagail.

"What." She drawled, going back to typing on her phone. He always managed to annoy her, but that is what best friends do.

"Can we leave? This is boring." He sighed, staring up at the board as the teacher droned on and on about Maths equations. Someone in the front row even yawned.

"Sure - this sucks." She shrugged, sliding her feet off the table and picking up her black tattered bag. The teacher turned around to see them already halfway through the door.

"Abagail - Caden - get back in here." Their teacher snapped as the two continued to walk out, Caden giving the teacher the finger. Chuckling, they walked out of the joint class rooms, spotting a tree they could hide behind and avoid going back to class. The halls empty and echoed as they shoved each other, racing through the halls when they picked up on a teacher walking for them.

Relaxed, the two sat and ate behind a tree at the back of the school. Talking to each other and laughing obnoxiously about anything - using their werewolf hearing to not get caught. This was what it was like to be best friends with the Alpha's son, the two would definitely get in trouble if their parents or guardians found out.

"What are you going to do about tomorrow?" Caden asked, pinching his best friends shoulder, causing her to groan in annoyance.

"I didn't think anyone else knew." She threw her head back, perfectly plucked eyebrows pulled together to show just how annoyed she was getting.

"Of course I know it's your birthday tomorrow Abs, I'm your best friend." He snorted, pulling his long sleeves down his built arms. The two were insanely muscular, not a part of them wasn't swol - the two were work out buddies. Along with a few other pack members who usually tagged along.

"Fine." She snorted, toying with her fingers. "Do you have that wrap your mum makes - Yes!" She cheered, snatching the overly gladwrapped wrapped food from him. "You know we're only friends because your Mum's a good cook right?" She said through a mouthful of chicken and avocado. The salt and pepper burning her tongue slightly.

"Gee thanks Abby." Caden rolled his eyes at her, watching as she bit into what was once his food, no problem - he didn't like them anyway. "You know Mum knows you eat them - hence the extra avocado." He picked a branch out of her auburn locks, so much like his.

"Honestly all you need to get me for my birthday is avocados and I'll be your friend forever." She smiled, eating the wrap she was in love with - more than anything else, maybe a little more than Caden.

"Your Aunt said you're coming to my house tomorrow after school to celebrate." He said again, head snapping up as the lunch bell rang. "It's actually lunch now." He stood up slowly, Abagail following suit as she continued to take bites from her friends wrap.

The two trudged down the hall, people splitting to let the two walk through the middle of the hall - smirking as Abagail cared for nothing but the food in her hands. People even bowed their heads, yeilding to the two who merely sauntered past.

Daniel was one of the first to split, head bowed to avoid catching looks from them, he afraid. He was afraid because everyone else was afraid.

And they had a reason to be.

And they had a reason to be

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