Chapter 11

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DANIEL sat rigid beside Caden as he drove him home. His face tingled from where Abagail had kissed him - he still couldn’t wrap his head around the fact that had happened.

Holly - she had been there and knew who he was. He was getting up in ranks - that was probably one of the first things he was going to tell Caleb when he got out the car to call his friend.

“So you and Abby.” Caden smoothly started, his hand on his expensive steering wheel. Daniel gulped, rubbing his hands on the old pants he wore, he didn’t know if Caden was her ex or just really good friend - possibly her brother. “You break her heart, she’ll break your whole body.”

“Uh - I.” Daniel shifted in his seat. They were almost at his house - just a little further. Quickly, Daniel decided to change the subject, instead asking a question that blipped on his mind a few times. “Why were-weren’t Abagails p-parents - ” Daniel cut himself off, he was a horrible conversationalist around new people. Or maybe just these people. But that wasn’t why he cut himself off - watching Caden tense at his question caused more to arise.

“I’m not allowed to tell you - I mean she’ll tell you if she wants to.” Caden caught himself, this time he shifted uneasily in his seat, pulling into the street - Daniel could see his house.

Why was Abagail ashamed to tell him who her parents were? They were probably some rich people he knew that were well respected and hated they had a delinquent for a daughter.

The more Daniel thought about her circumstances, the more he felt bad - something bad or troubling must be happening to her to make her the ruthless way she was now.

“You can get out now.” Caden ordered stifly, obviously Daniel had brushed upon a sensitive topic. Not that he brushed it - more like kick it onto the ground like his bullies did to him again and again.

“Uh - good-goodbye.” Quickly getting out the expensive looking car, he rushed to get inside the security of his home.

Entering his home, Daniel stopped dead in his tracks. There, in the living room, sat his four Aunts, three Uncles and all together their six children. He was shocked. Not expecting the visit as they all turned to look at him. His brother, Christopher, sat on the arm rest with their second eldest cousin, Nicolaus, who smirked at his befuddled cousin - another family bully.

“Daniel!” His mother cheered, pulling her son towards her. “Look who’s staying for the next couple weeks!” She smiled vibrantly, eyes a misty green, lips painted pink. “Did I tell you about Daniels crush on this girl at school - ” Daniel shut her words out, not believing his Mum was telling his family about Holly.

“Where have you been Daniel?” Nicolaus smirked evily, unfortunately nobody caught on as everyones eyes snapped to Daniel. They didn’t know where he had went - or who for.

“I - uh was at a birthday party.” He blushed - still thinking about Abagails confession, Holly, Abagail kissing him on the cheek, their date, her straight forwardness and flirting.

“For one of the little kids of the neighborhood I presume - my Daniel, always helping others.” His mother placed a hand to her chest and smiled.

“N-No, actually it was for a girl I go to school with.” Daniel watched his brother and cousin roll their eyes, whilst his Aunts and Uncles listened intently. Feeling the need to boast - to make his cousin and brother not attack him for being lame and guessing he was with a loser girl he said. “You know Abagail Grey? From school?” He watched his brothers mouth twitch, eyes widen in disbelief. “We’ve been hanging out and she invited me.” A lie, but his cousin and brother were to stunned to do anything or make fun of him. “We’re going on a date sometime.” He breathed out, couldn’t believe he was telling them this - just for their approval.

His declaration of the date triggered all his family. His Aunts got up and congratulated him - telling him to treat her right. Daniel kept his mouth shut - more like if she treated him right - he wanted to say. And his Uncles made the pervy jokes about how she couldn’t resist him and how he should tease her. His face heated and he couldn’t respond - this was definitely a bad idea.

ABAGAIL was having a great time at her party - but now not so much. She stared down emptily at the two weather worn head stones. Their names etched on the surface with things they had done - but most importantly;

Je t’aime.

It was the last thing her mother had said to her. Right before she got into that car with her father - the one that sealed their death.

A hot tear slid down her face, uncomfortably itchy as the brisk air hit it - cooling it down as it slid down her cheek. A single red rose in her hand, the daughter of the deseased placed it upon the joined tombstone.

“I met my mate yesterday.” She found herself whispering, telling them as if they were really there. They may have been gone for years - but everyday was like it was that day. She couldn’t get over that they were dead. “He’s great, you would have loved him... although he likes another girl - the girl I told you has a problem with me and Caden? Yeah, her.” Another tear trickled down her cheek. “I told him I was coming to see you - that probably left him with a lot of questions.” She laughed lightly, fingers tracing their names. “I want to get another tattoo - I know, I know they’re permanent... but I want your names with the wreath - or - or the Begonia.” More tears trickled down her cheeks as she tried to steady her breathing and continue telling them. “I really like him - my mate I mean - but I think I scare him a little... But he’s just so - sweet. And caringhis stuttering is adorable. I think - I think I might tell him that we exist - werewolves I mean.” She took a sharp intake of breath, her heart hurting. The pain was to much a lot of the time - especially when she cried. “And then he can come live in the pack-house with me - and he can see me for what I truly am.” Slowly she controlled her breathing. “I think I’ll stay with you two for a while.” She muttered, not moving from her position staring at their names.

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