Chapter 18

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DANIEL felt awful. Not only had he driven away the only girl that could possibly ever like him, he had lost a friend. Maybe if he let her kiss him she would have stayed. If he hadn’t blabbed to her about something he didn’t know was true or not.

He had been rooted in the spot when she was going to kiss him. The look in her eyes were just... No one had ever stared at him like that. Making him feel susceptible to her every desire and need. No one had ever been sexually attracted to him until now. But in her eyes there was not just sex, but life.

He should have just gave into her like what Caleb said. No one. No one like her would show interest in him ever. It was like he had slipped into a paradox, he didn't belong here where someone like Abagail wanted to be with him. He was nothing. He couldn't even look at himself in the mirror without knowing someone saw him and used him. She had stopped bullys for him. The least he could do was one kiss. But that moment was over - he had ruined it.

Walking into his home he shoved his hands into his pockets, seeing all his family members bustling about in his home. Like nothing had happened.

His mother stopped infront of him, wiping her hands on her apron. “Where have you been honey?”

“I messed up bad, with Abby.” He sighed, running a hand down his face. “I don’t think she wants to go on a date with me anymore.” He noticed all his family stop and give him pitying glances. He understood, their hope vanished, they knew Daniel could never actually get a girl.

“Do you want to talk about it?” His mother asked, frowning at him.

“No, I think I’ll just go to my room.” He sighed, pushing past her with his head down low. He really messed up, he lost his friend and the only girl who wanted to go on a date with him is gone.

"If it's anything, I don't think you messed up. No one could ever stop loving you." He ignored the sweet sentiments from his Mother and made his way to his room.

Throwing himself onto his bed was something Daniel had never done. But he did it. He finally was showing signs of defeat. It was so unheard of that his brother walked into the room.

“What’s wrong with you loser?” He sauntered into his brothers room cockily. Daniel narrowed his eyes at the ceiling, his brothers arrogance was annoying but Abagails wasn’t. How could he enjoy hers, but not his own brothers? “I heard you snitched on Cameron - what a dick.” The noise of his brother flicking around through his papers was all he heard.

“Get out.” Daniel finally said, unlike Abagail he couldn’t completely shut off all his emotions and it sounded like he was far off - sick of the world.

“Are you - ” Christopher was cut off, eyes widened in surprise as Daniel sat upright, throwing a hard object so it smashed against the wall, hitting the ground with the same noise.

“I said get the fuck out!” He screamed, not caring if anyone heard him. He wasn’t in the mood to have his brother push him around anymore. Abagail was gone. His friend was gone. All because he rejected her kiss. Although he had done a lot more than that - he had rejected her to the point she could have cried and screamed and hurt him. But she didn’t.

Silently, Christopher walked out his brothers room, closing his door quietly behind him.

Daniel grounded his teeth in annoyance. If swearing had gotten his brother to leave him alone he was annoyed he hadn’t done it in the first place.

Sighing, now finally in silence - as if everyone in the household had just stayed frozen forever, he slipped the drawing out of his pocket. Sliding to the edge of his bed, he sifted through his bottom bedside tables draw, until he found the frame he knew he had lying around. Pulling it out, he began placing it into the frame - Abagail did say she would be offended if he didn’t do it.

Smiling, he stared down at the drawing of him. It did more justice than any camera - because staring at the picture didn’t make him feel insecure. Because it was Abby looking inside him more than outside - bringing emotion through a basic stationary pen onto a random piece of paper.

She was an artist. She was more talented than anyone could have ever imagined.

Daniel stared at it, his bedroom door opening once again, and his mother slipped in, carrying their family cat Rowdy.

“She drew this.” He said softly, not taking his eyes off what he held in his hands. Instead of inspecting himself, he inspected the techniques. “She is such an amazing artist - you wouldn’t believe some of her art.” He continued.

He was so confused. It wasn’t like they broke up. Why was her cold sholder making him so miserable?

They weren’t dating and they certainly hadn’t broken up, he had just dissapointed her - mostly himself. His Mother placed their Russian blue on the bed beside him, the cat cockily walking across it.

“Make it up to her.” His mother prompted, placing a hand lovingly on her sons shoulder, staring at the picture in amazement. “If she draws you like that she really must like you.”

“Tomorrow, at school.” Daniel muttered, lying down as his mother left his room pitying her son, who for the first time ever, was having girl problems.

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