Chapter 16

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ABAGAIL was told to wait outside the office, although that didn’t stop her from eavesdropping with her werewolf super hearing. The principle didn’t believe Daniel, heart set on blaming her for the problem in the school. Because there can’t possibly be another awful student in this school - no it just had to be Abagail.

She wanted to see him, one more time before she went and probably killed Cameron and his friend, Jack. Her muscles tensed at the mere thought of the low lifes she wanted to practically kill.

She had filled Caden in on what happened to him, after asking around. Her mate had been bullied all his high school life. Anger and pain was all she felt, she needed to see her parents but, she would have to leave Daniel to do so.

The door opened and the principle stepped out, annoyed. “I have decided it wasn’t you who beat this boy up.” He said, with his annoying narrow-minded tone. Abagail grounded her teeth, keeping quiet and standing quickly as Daniel emerged. His lip had sealed together - still split but healing quickly now that she had healed him slightly before hand. And the swelling of his cheek had gone down, now only revealing a bruise. And the hand prints on his arms - gone. He didn’t limp anymore as he walked over to Abagail, clearly puzzled at how fast he had healed since walking into the room beforehand.

“Daniel.” She breathed in relief, throwing her arms around his neck, nearly as surprised when he returned the hug. “I’m sorry - I swear I’ll fucking get them.” She growled, feeling the change again.

“N-No, better not.” He sighed, not sure as to why his previous injuries were slowly going away. “Uh - how about we just go and get a coffee?”

“It won’t be our one very important date, okay? I have plans for that, big plans.” She slightly lied towards the end - sure she knew where she might take him.

“Sure - this is just a not date date.” He squirmed, eyes darting to their feet.

“Okay - but now because it’s a not date I might get pouty.” She smirked, the two leaving the school and its problems behind. She was going to get her new motorcycle in a few days, even though today was a big damper on her mood, now it wasn’t so much.

The two walked to the nearest coffee shop, weirdly enough Daniel didn’t drink coffee because he wanted to - but because he had to do the people who bully him, he had to do their homework, causing him to stay up late and still need energy for his own work and school. That just made Abagail mad and quiet.

That unsettled Daniel, the girl usually did all the talking but now - because of her silence he started rambling. He could have stopped rambling - if she hadn’t looked so amused and actually listened.

“And that reminds me - uh, the reason I was in the hallway.” He gnawed his lip, slipping the paper out of his back pocket and placed it on the table. “Why do you get closed off and upset when I bring up your parents?” He asked, watching her smile drop, her hands reaching out to pick up the paper and unfold it. Her tattoo making her look totally out of the norm sitting across from him - and so did her leather, studded jacket.

“I - ” she gulped, her smile returning slightly upon seeing the drawing of him. Daniel was the only one who made her this way, her usual cocky collection of words seemed reluctant to come forward and, she too, ended up stuttering. What was she supposed to reply with? She wanted to answer him but at the same time she couldn’t. Taking a deep breath, she looked up to see Daniel waiting patiently. His glasses and eyes holding such innocence she just wanted to kiss him - to smirk against his plump lips that had previously been busted - that thought caused her to look down. She was like an untamed, wild tiger in a cage, awaiting to be let out and attack. But for now she prowled back and forth, testing the weaknesses of the bars that caged her in. “They died - a few years ago” She wanted to admit, but of course she couldn’t tell him - there would he the whole pitying thing again and she would feel like crap. So she lied - or became mysterious. “I don’t think I can tell you just now.” She taunted, covering up her suffering with words she had to muster from the depths of herself.

“It’s alright if you don’t want to tell me - but I expect to know at some point.” He said quietly, eyes trained on the picture still in her hands.

“You can keep it.” She smiled, sliding it back towards him. “I will be offended if you don’t frame it.” She slipped back into her usual, joking self. Laughing - he laughed. She had made him laugh. But as soon as it came, it endedas he folded the paper up again.

“I think I have a frame big enough.” He continued, getting more comfortable in her presence - even if she was Abagail they were talking about.

“Danny, you can call me Abby - but I must warn you how much of an honor it is to be able to call me that.” She teased, adjusting herself in her seat as their coffee arrived.

Well, her coffee and his hot chocolate.

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