Chapter 17

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ABAGAIL eyed his hand wearily, the wounds that she had cleared up with her powers were gone - obviously leaving him confused. Smiling, she twirled a piece of her aurburn hair around her fingers, in a mock innocence.

“I should be getting home.” Daniel sighed, knowing any confidence he had gained by warming up to her today would vanish next time he saw her.

“I’ll walk you home, gorgeous.” She flirted, throwing her leather jacket over her shoulder and winking at him as he stumbled after her awkwardly.

Swaying her hips from side to side, Abagail full of confidence and looks that a few boys from school spotted her, taking in her appearance greedily. Daniel blushed heavily - usually not being a recipient to such envious glares as Abagail entwined her arm with his - puckering her lips she pressed a lip to his cheek.

“The-Those boys were looking at you.” He cleared his throat - the tingles that had only started a while ago getting more overwhelming as she held him to her. He didn’t understand or know this unfamiliar feeling that had suddenly worked its way into him. And it scared him. Abagail was unfamiliar. A change from his norm, his life he had built up that had many sick twists that he didn’t want but still had. And Abagail was an unfamiliar and untrusting change that he didn’t think he was brave enough to let happen.

“I know - boys tend to do that.” She shrugged, annoyed as she glared at one who was staring enviously at Daniel.

“I - I don’t.” He admitted. Catching himself in a lie as he remembered that he had accidentally stared at her backside that day on the bus.

“Oh - of course.” She sent him in a condescending, playful tone. Her eyes a blaze of difference, defiance. Browns, greens and oranges filled her irises with a single gold fleck as she stared up at him. He could have sworn she was leaning closer.

She was - and she couldn’t stop. Her wolf writhed in anticipation as lust clawed at her mind. As her eyes trained on his alluring lips. She didn’t want to stop. She wanted to scream please, please let me have one kiss as she stared at his lips - whimpering almost as she grew closer.

A kiss was all she wanted. Just one thing she could do to prove to herself that he wasn’t a dream - that her mate was a real thing just out of her grasps but at the same time completely in them. Touching him with only parts of her body was torturous - she knew he couldn’t feel the bond like she could. The tingles itchinf like fire as the moon progressed with her want.

Her birth right, her need.

Her lips were so close. She was breathing the same air as him - both sharing their breath. His warm breath tickling her lips as he stayed frozen. She wanted him so bad that her eyes were tearing up - her body shaking along with her breaths as all she wanted to do was go that extra centimeter to kiss him. Maybe even her tongue - something heated and lustful with him.

This insanity drove her over the edge, so she moved that extra centimeter.

But he took a step back - trying to do that the whole time. He couldn’t kiss her, lead her on while all he thought about was Holly. He watched her take a few, struggling, steps back. He liked Holly, nothing could change that inside of him. Shaking her head, she rubbed her eyes as she shook.

“I can’t. I'm sorry-sorry. Abby - I th-think -I love Holly.” He admitted, face beet red as Abagails body tensed. Slowly she exhaled, her hands slowly falling to her sides as she stared at Daniel - he was terrified at how calm she looked staring at him. What was he saying? He wasn’t old enough to know love, he didn’t know Holly, she barely knew him. She only started talking to him once Abagail did. Maybe the two of them were seeing who he’d fallen for - maybe Abagail was this distressed because she had lost. He couldn't help the doubtful thoughts creeping into his mind.

“You don’t even know Holly.” She replied flatly, her voice so small, so fragile.

What had happened to her? Was this because of him? He wanted her to scream at him - storm down the street to punch Holly in a fit of jealous rage. He didn’t know why he wanted that.

But he had no rebuttal for what she had said, staring at her. He didn’t want to admit to how much truth was behind her words.

“I have to go.” She admitted, her eyes glancing down at her watch as she remained emotionless. Something Daniel never experienced with the couple weeks he had been around her. She had never been like this. All because he told her he loved someone else. “I was supposed to be home four hours ago.” She walked past him, Daniel knew she wasn’t walking him home now, especially not after what he had said - he didn’t blame her.

He watched as she walked away. This all had happened to quickly. He had lost a friend just like that. Because even though Abagail was looking for something more, he had found her to be a perfect friend. And he hated to admit it - wait, no, he was okay with admitting she was really funny.

ABAGAIL walked into her house - her Aunt's home. She could sense her guardian was angry, at her, as soon as she crossed the threshold. But she was still stuck in the phase - the phase of showing nothing on the outside as she was completely breaking on the inside. Her heart was breaking into a million pieces and she couldn't focus on anything.

“How dare you walk into this house late! You know full well you are supposed to come home at three - all because of that stunt you pulled with breaking that boy's nose!” Aunt March stormed out of a corner, stopping Abagail right in the kitchen. She didn’t notice the girl not meet her gaze, that she stared at the floor with barely a flinch for a reaction of her Aunts loud speel. “You think it’s easy - ”

“I want my Mum.” Abagail finally cracked, letting out the first sob - letting the first tears fall. Hot tears down her face. She barely ever broke down in front of people. Especially not her Aunt - whom all she wanted was respect and a good argument from.

AUNT MARCH stood still, taken aback at the teens cry for help. For a dead woman who couldn’t do anything to help the defenseless little girl she saw right now.

Mouth opening and closing like a fish, Aunt March watched her niece look up at her with red, blood shot eyes and a never ending flood of tears. Her lips quivered as she stumbled through the space between them and through her arms around her Aunt. Wave after wave of sobs fell from her as she leant against her Aunt - the older woman instantly wrapping her arms around the girl as she cried.

“He loves her.” She cried into the womans chest.

“Who loves who honey?” She asked, voice crackling as she held her sisters baby. The only thing she had left of them. Her sister who has been gone for years - the pain still there.

“Daniel loves Holly and not me.” She cried out. She had tried so much to keep Holly on a leash and to want to tell Daniel about their mate bond but - he was human and would think she was crazy or that he was, especially if he didn’t take her shifting well.

That her telling him would do nothing. It was Holly he wanted, aware of their world or not.

Abagail guessed it would be easier to reject him than live with this unattainable love.

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