Chapter 2

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DANIEL walked through the crowded halls with his head hung. He couldn't find Caleb, he was still looking though. Sighing to himself as he heard the football team approaching, with their ignorant hollering. They were his torturers - each bashing him, forcing him to do homework, or just leave him in a state of humility.

"Hey Loser." Cameron, the dark haired leader of the group, grabbed him by the back his shirt, slamming him against the lockers. "We have homework - I need it done by tonight." He spat into Daniels face - another footballer stealing his glasses as Daniel was left defenseless against the large group. "Dumbass, you hear me?" His breathing scorched his face, his beady dark eyes burning into his. They were blurry and Daniel couldn't see which one of them had his glasses.

"Y-yes." Daniel stuttered, his knees weak and shaking - terrified of these boys more than anyone in this school. They had no need to pick on him, had no need to be horrible people.

"Good whimp. Do our fucking homework, I better get a good grade nerd." His voice coated in venom, sending a punch to his victim's gut - causing him to double over in pain. Eyes watering as he heard his glasses drop on the ground, the sound of it bouncing and cracking heard amoungst the laughs and snorts of the boys as they walked away, a few shoving him back to the ground as he just gave up.

Groaning in pain, he pulled his glasses to him, frowning when he saw the small cracks running along the edges. They weren't to noticeable this time. Pulling his knees to his chest, people just walked past him. He slipped the glassesover his ears, picking up their scattered homework and putting it in his bag. Taking a moment, he shoved his thoughts away and climbed to his feet.

Walking away, he kept his head down, no one saw anything as per usual. As he broke into the hallway full of students again, finally on his way home. Kids threw things around, plastic cups, food wrappers and paper - it hit him.

He hated his life - and he hated school.

His life sucked, especially his school life. It didn't help that Caleb was also suffering the same - that's why they became the best of friends. Bonding over the unfairness they faced at the hands of their peers - even a few teachers.

"Hurry up wiener." Christopher, Daniels older brother, taunted as he shoved him forwards. "Broke your glasses again you clusmy idiot." He growled, shoving him to the side with his shoulder. Christopher looked around twice before his hand fidgeted uncharacteristically before he took off to get on the bus. But Daniel kept quiet, kept his head down, and got onto the bus after him - sitting no where near his brother like he was told.

ABAGAIL didn't spare him or anyone a glance as Holly sat beside her at the back of the bus. The two not talking as she kept up her pathetic act, and Caden sat on her other side, texting his Mum about Abagails birthday. Holly "accidentally" sent a swift kick to the red haired girls shin. "Whoops." She spat with not as much respect she should have given.

"Does your boyfriend know that you're an asshole?" Abagail asked casually, knowing Caden said nothing because he agreed strongly. But he froze, eyes widening and sliding down into his seat - not wanting to get involved.

"Does yours know you defaced your body with tattoos?" She shot back, snarling slightly, keeping up her facade of smiles and sweetness. But anyone who knew Holly outside of school, knew she was fierce and angry - a warrior's daughter.

"I thought everyone already knew?" She shot back, propping her feet up on the back of someone elses chair. Rolling her wrist towards Holly who caught a sight of her tattoo. Abagail brought her hand up to her face, marveling the tattoo across the backs of her left knuckle.

"You know that doesn't make any sense." She scoffed, throwing her braid over her shoulder. Natural blonde hair that was the same as her wolfs.

"It's basic french." She rolled her eyes, watching as nothing crossed the blondes face in recognition. "You know that subject we all studied at one point?" She pressed sarcastically, knowing it was the only other language their school taught.

"Yeah, like you even pay attention in class." She snorted, eyeing the girl beside her with distaste. Holly's insulting jabs barely phased Abagail, but her day hadn't been nearly as eventful as she had wanted it to be - this was making up for it.

"I get better grades than you pigtails." Abgail rose from her chair, walking down the isle of chairs, feeling peoples eyes on her as she walked to the door. Her stop wasn't that far from the school, unlike most the werewolves on the bus, Abagail didn't live at the pack house. Her Aunt owned a small home right here, close enough to the school for the older womans children to go to their first years of school.

DANIEL froze, eyes falling to his lap as Abagail walked past - face burning bright red as he kept his eyes off her.

"Did you just look at her ass?" Caleb hissed loudly, Daniels heart jumped out of his chest when she turned and looked at them. As if she heard them.

"I didn't mean to - I didn't do it on purpose." He whispered back hastily, eyes wide - face hot and burning. "I just looked up and - and." He hid behind his hand as Abagail smirked, stepping off the bus with her best friend - Caden. As if she knew.

Daniel was pretty sure they were dating or doing something together. Her and Caden. They were so close he was almost jealous. And Daniel tried to ignore the feeling when she looked back to the bus and pointed him out - watching Caden laugh his head off. It must have been nothing.

 It must have been nothing

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