Chapter 19

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DANIEL was going to make it better, he had to. But again, confidence wasn't his thing, he couldn't just simply walk up to Abagail. What could he even say? Nothing about what was happening between them was clear or rational.

Was there anything happening between them?

And the picture she had drawn of him sat in his room as a constant reminder of the friend he had lost. Who he wanted to regain.

She had wanted to kiss. He had never kissed anyone in his entire lifetime. He was flustered at the mere thought of kissing Holly. There was one thing that made his confession to Abagail false. He didn't know what love is. He didn't love Holly, but he stilled liked her a lot. But he had lost his new friend.

Caleb walked beside him, keeping his head ducked as people stared on, except Daniel didn't follow his friend as his head was raised high in the air in search of Abagail. He couldn't spot her red hair, which usually made her stand out in the crowd, along with her brooding emotions that seemed to remain on her face always. The crowd wasn't parting like they were expecting royalty. He still looked.

But to no avail. He couldn't find her. He didn't need to find her now, he guessed, considering they share the first class of the day together.

"See you later Dan." Caleb squeaked, ducking down the hallway to his class. Daniel felt someones eyes on him, turning he met the gaze of non other than Cameron. Instantly his gaze fell down and Daniel was the only one looking. Cameron and his friend hadn't been punished as no one really believed that they could do it - and still blamed Abagail. But no repercussions were handed out. But what stood out was that each boy had a matching black eye - it wasn't noticable.

Quickly, he ducked into his English class. Seeing only a few people had taken their seats, the rest taking a while to come inside. For the first time in any class, Daniel sat up the very back, that way he could see Abagail walk in.

But as the minutes ticked by, she was still a no show. Mr Greene nearly marked him away if he hadn't yelled across the class his attendance. But as the lesson progressed, Abagail was still nowhere. Even Caden didn't come.

Distracted, he kept his eye on the door and his watch, gnawing his lip. "You think to highly of her Daniel." Mr Greene approached his desk, noticing the young boys gaze.

"You think to little of her Jason." Daniel shot back, teeth grinding - he had had enough of his school. For some reason he was getting mader and mader. He knew it was all because of his anxiousness about Abagail.

A serious of people whooping and screaming "burn or "no he didn't" was all Daniel could hear as he stared down the teacher across the room. Mr Greene grinded his jaw in annoyance. Daniel knew now he could say anything he wanted to him - not going to have him as a teacher next year.

"What do you think is going to happen to her? Is Abagail Grey going to spontaneously going to become a model citizen?" Mr Greene snapped, slamming his hands onto his desk. He shouldn't reply any further, but he had already started digging his grave, why stop?

"Maybe if you didn't treat her like shit, you'd see how smart she is!" He snapped, slamming his hands down onto the table for his own emphasis. The class had gone silent, egging him on as Mr Greene became more and more irritated.

"How smart is she then? The girl has a permanent record and knows her way with a knife - I don't see how she's going to get far in life." He scoffed. "This argument is over."

"No it isn't." Daniel spat, rising to his feet. It wasn't even lunch yet and he was making trouble - not that he usually did something like this. "It isn't over until I say it is - "

"Daniel, I am willing to over look the fact that you have sworn in my class if you just - " Mr Greene was cut off by Daniels outburst.

"Get over this!" He flipped the teacher off, middle finger in the air. Not knowing where this anger and need to defend Abagail came from. The whole class broke into laughter, the bell ringing as everyone made their way out the class - no one escaped it as fast as Daniel.

But Mr Greene pulled him aside and suddenly, Daniels courage and need to protect diminished. He was met with the aftermath.

"Look Daniel - " sighing, Mr Greene did his best not to lose his cool he had not so easily handled. "Your Mum called the school saying you had troubles with Abagail." Daniel paled, not believing his mother had called the school to explain his girl troubles. "I understand you want to save her - want to change her but people like her are best left alone."

"I didn't want to Mr Greene. A week ago I never even considered being three meters near her - but now..." He took a deep breath, a flicker of courage brimming to the surface again. "Now, I actually got to know her because she wanted to be my friend. I don't know if you haven't noticed but I don't have many of thoes. But she is one - and I screwed up yesterday, and forgive me if I want to defend someone against someone else who should know better." Daniel ranted, fiddling with his bag - the same bag Abagail had carried for him. The same bag that no longer carried the weight of the many bullies in the school who had forced him to do their homework.

All thanks to Abby.

"You can go... Daniel." Mr Greene turned his back on the boy.

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