Chapter 3

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CADEN smirked watching as Abagail put her feet into the ponds water, watching the waterfall fall peacefully into the pool. She continued to roll her eyes at him while he laughed. Trees surrounding them as they were secluded from listening ears.

"The nerd looked at your ass." He laughed again, getting her more riled by the second - and flushed.

"Don't call him that - anyway he didn't mean to." She snorted, disliking the label he instantly put on the random they didn't know.

"I'm sure he didn't." Caden snorted back, sitting beside her, putting his feet in the water beside her. "What I'm surprised about is why you didn't do anything about it."

"He didn't mean to - and you know I'm all about other peoples embarrassment, he was totally embarrassed." Abagail shrugged, flinging her hair over her shoulder, tying it up into the messiest bun she had ever done.

"Doesn't help that you got an extra kick out of it - been a while since a guy asked you out hasn't it?" Caden taunted, watching his friends face contort into a snarl - animal like.

"If you don't count dares." She said through gritted teeth. "The nerve of some people." Muttering angrily she pulled her feet out. "I want to go for a run." Her eyes danced in mischief - Cadens eyes doing the same. The glint in their eyes were the reason they were best friends. She tossed her clothes to the side while he wasn't looking and shifted.

Without protest Caden pulled himself up to join her. She stood before him as a large, dark red wolf. Deep auburn like her hair - many patches a darker shade and others lighter - she fluffed her fur, waiting impatiently for Caden to shift.

Caden shook his head at his friends impatience, shifting into his even larger wolf. Fur such a dark brown it was nearly blood red - he clawed at the ground. Raising his head high and showing her his canies.

"Ready." His voice echoed through her mind, something she had grown accustomed to ever since they turned fourteen and shifted for the first time. The mindlink. Connecting their pack as one, warnings and updates. There wasn't a need for phones, but you couldn't play games through the mind link.

The two took off into the extensive and twisting forest - nothing else on their mind but running and nipping. Living their lives in their true forms - wolves of the moon.

DANIEL couldn't keep doing this. His eyes hurt and his hand cramped - barely through half of Camerons and friends homework. He had completed his own beforehand so he wouldn't get in trouble - with the teachers anyway.

He knew to have to complete the rest of their homework he would have to pull an all nighter - something he hated doing. But he found himself always having to.

But it was either this or having his glasses broken further. Right now the small cracks were causing a distraction and a headache - but he would have to wait at least three days until his Father took him to get new ones. He had lied again - claimed he had tripped, telling them people laughed to give it a more believable twist.

Christopher wasn't the best "big brother" and Daniel found it that unfortunately he was like the rest of the bullies at school - probably worse. Christopher changed as soon as Daniel came to his high school in second year - they grew up in harmony together - but as soon as Daniels eyesight deteriorated Christopher hated him. Daniel didn't know why - Christopher was the one with 20/20 vision where as Daniel had to be the one in glasses. But Christoper knew all his secrets, all his weaknesses, and he knew best that Daniel wouldn't fight back.

So in the undoubtedly sad state he was in, he threw himself into school work. Labeling himself as an insecure nerd with the rest of them. But he knew - hoped - that when he confessed his feelings to Holly - she would be different.

She would make him feel special - walk him to sit at the populars table smiling and holding his hand. He'd sit at the table that housed some of his famous bullies - all making room for him to sit with one look at the scene before them. Even Abagail was shocked - Daniel cut off that thought - why he was thinking about Abagail; notorious bad girl, and her opinion - confused him. Along with this growing feeling in his stomach - he didn't know what it was - didn't want to know what it was, as he scrawled on page after page. Maybe he was hungry, he had barely touched dinner.

Doing other peoples homework was probably why Daniel was so good - he had to re-read and write the same question in a million different ways over and over again. No need for extra studying - he at least tried to find positives in this continuously downward slope he called his life.

Daniel distracted himself with school work and his infatuation with Holly.

Speaking of school work - Abagail didn't do it. Every lesson she'd be typing away at her phone and talking to Caden, or writing on her arm. She came into class and learnt nothing - and yet her grades were about to trump his. He was an A minus average and she was a B plus - her grades going up and his seeming unimportant. He was surprised that Abagail actually handed in work - that she didn't make him do it.

He didn't know whether Abagail never asking, forcing him to do his homework was because she got somebody else to do it, or she didn't know he was alive on this planet that she insisted on ruling.

Daniel knew she was going to peak in high school - but never again. His brother told him the ugly truth that she was going nowhere in life - especially with skipping out on high school and getting into fights. It was what everyone said - and it would have been unfair had it not had a slither of truth.

A few teachers said it to her face - Daniel remembers the cruel smirk she gave in return like it was yesterday - and her rebuttal confused him. "I already have a job - and it pays way more than yours."

A lot of people think she's a mercenary or a street fighter. And Daniel thinks there is something else - or she was all of it. Maybe not a mercanary - but a street fighter would explain her attitude and how many fights she gets into and - wins. Abagail always won - but Daniel doubt it would be like that forever.

 Abagail always won - but Daniel doubt it would be like that forever

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