Chapter 9

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DANIEL didn’t know what to do with Abagail's confession - and his declaration of his feelings for another only seemed ti make her frustrated. He watched as she gnawed her lip, glaring at the coffee table instead of looking at him.

He was confused and at the same time flattered that somebody had feelings for him. He wouldn't act on her feelings - knowing nobody else felt that way about him. But Abagail, the schools notorious bad girl that set fire to things and had tattoos, did. The girl who lived off peoples fear of her - who fought people with fists if they looked at her the wrong way. That girl liked him.

“I know.” Abagail finally said, sighing as she folded her arms, finally meeting his shy gaze with her confident one. “I know you like Holly.” she repeated. Daniels face instantly heated more than it already was at the mention of his crushes name - especially out of Abagails mouth. How had she had known? He guessed that if she liked him like she said - she would know.

But then the thought of her confession being a prank dwelled on him - she pranked and messed with people all the time for her own enjoyment - probably seeing him like this was a prank? Daniel hated that he hoped it wasn’t.

But then she would expose him if it was, tell the whole school that nerdy Daniel liked Holly Hammond.

“Uh - Yeah I do, I guess.” He shook his head, glasses sliding down slightly - the cracks had been fixed, his father thankfully had taken him out recently to get it done. “But we could still be - uh - friends?”

“Look - I’ll make a deal with you.” She turned her back to him to stalk slowly around the couch for dramatic effect. His eyes zeroed in on the tattoo on her shoulder. It was a beautiful wreath of red roses with thick, dark green leaves and vines. It was pretty, but also held an air of that badass. “You go on a date with me - and if you’re still not interested, then nothing will happen.”

He blinked once, than twice. She either did like him or she was going to embarrass him with the date.

“Yes? Good, obviously we’ll do it later.” She flicked her hair over her shoulder. Daniel couldn’t protest any further as Abagail took quick strides across the room and dragged him out smiling. He still couldn’t grapple the thought that he was at notorious bad girl Abagail's birthday party or that she had basically organised their date. “Meanwhile, considering you don’t know anybody you can stick with Caden and I.” Daniel couldn't deny that he found her attractive.

“Hey you two.” Caden appeared, as if Abagail saying his name was enough for him to appear. He slung his arm over her shoulder, squishing her against his side.

‘Well we’re going on a date. He likes Holly though - and that’s why our date has to be fucking amazing.’ Abagail explained to Caden through their mind link. She spared Daniel a glance, admiring his black thick-rimmed glasses once again. He had such gorgeous blue eyes and he looked so innocent and cute with his big glasses.

“Uh - so happy birthday.” Daniel stuttered, feeling her eyes on him as they walked into the back yard.

“Thank you Daniel.” She smiled.

“Sorry - got to go help Sammy with something.” Caden apologized, leaving the two to walk off in the slowly growing crowd. Bad excuse. People eyed Daniel, already sensing he’s a human and shouldn’t belong at a werewolves birthday. Tables with cheap plastic table clothes sat in the middle of the large yard, people drinking from plastic disposal cups started cheering and greeting Abagail as soon as she passed them.

Daniel felt like an outsider, which wasn’t anything knew to him, as he stood beside Abagail. People eyed him, but never asked Abagail who he was.

“So where - where are your par-parents.” He stuttered, trying to communicate in some way. Abagails features stayed neutral as she eyed the crowd. He always had trouble getting to know people - had trouble speaking without tripping and stumbling over his words.

“I’m planning on visiting them afterwards.” She said in a soft voice. In that moment Daniel assumed - she probably acted out in school because of some parental issue. Maybe she was trying to gain their attention or maybe she was trying to rebel against them. Whatever it was, he hoped everything would be okay for her.

“So um - why do you like me?” He asked, the question had been nagging it’s way through his brain until he just spurted it - needing to get it off his chest. Abagail chuckled huskily, something Holly never did - he shut down the thought, it wasn’t fair to compare the girl that might actually like him to the girl he likes.

“What’s not to like? You’re funny, cute - And you look hot when you study.” She bit her lip, twirling a piece of her hair as she stared up at him - eyes holding feigned innocent, if Daniel didn’t know her in the slightest, he would have bought it.

“Uh - th-thanks?” He shifted, face hotter than the Sahara desert at her flirting. He didn’t know whether or not to say no to a date with her - for crying out loud she was the school's reputated Bad Girl.

“You’re welcome.” She smiled slyly, if she was ever an animal Daniel could definitely see her as a fox. Cunning, sly and slightly adorable to some people.

“Hey Abby - who’s this?” A woman with dyed jet black hair and crows feet - Daniel didn’t know how such a kind looking woman could know Abagail.

“Aunty this is Daniel.” The way she said his name - it was if she was trying to communicate to this woman about who he was - as if they had spoken about him.

“This is Daniel?” Abagails Aunt raised her eyebrows, taking a step closer to inspect the insecure and flustered boy. “I like him, do you think you can tame my Abby? Please, she is absolutely terrible.” She smirked, watching as her niece got riled up.

“Aunty!” Abagail gritted her teeth, cheeks blooming the start of a blush. “Sorry about her Daniel, old woman hormones-”

“Don’t finish that sentence little lady or I’ll tell Daniel about that time when you were -" Her Aunt smiled when her nieces face paled.

“Not the embarrassing childhood stories.” Abagail gasped dramatically. “Oh sorry Daniel - this is my Aunt March.” She smiled at the shy boy who seemed to be only watching the scene unfold before him in awe. “We’ve got to go find Caden.” She goodbyed her Aunt, dragging Daniel away.She looked ahead, leading Daniel through the crowd to where she had caught Cadens scent.

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