Chapter 6

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DANIEL tried to keep his head down and avoid Abagail and her no care attitude as she watched him work. The imprint of her hand for some reason left tingles he could still feel - no matter how many times he flexed his fingers. He wasn’t going to stop being afraid of her out of the blue for her obvious flirting just before. Daniel had never been flirted with - so he didn’t know exactly what to do now that she watched him.

He didn’t know why suddenly she was interested in him - then the haunting thought that she had overheard him on the bus struck him. Was she making fun of him? All because he accidentally stared somewhere. He understood, she probably felt degraded in some way, she was probably doing this to tease him or get revenge.

But as he continued to write, he slowly became comfortable under her gaze. Calm even. Her feet always in the side of his vision, the black combat boots with little to no heel - he wondered if he was taller than her. He was taller than the average student, but he barely had the muscle. No muscle that could be seen. He was practically thin, except for his thighs, bicep and around his chest. The rest were insanely thin and long.

“Class dismissed.” Mr Greene waved at his class as the bell rang. “Go annoy someone else Abagail.” He sent the girl an angered look, noticing her rolling eyes as she swung her bag over her shoulder. But she made no other moved to leave.

Daniel's hands shook as he fiddled with his bags zipper, the rattle of it as it avoided his fingers in his desperate attempt to fix his bag. His arms were still sore - having to carry the football teams completed homework - this making his bag buldge at an uncomfortable angle as he carried it around. To make matters all the more worse, Caleb wasn’t at school - he had eaten a peanut and flared up his allergies. Thankfully nothing bad would happen.

Suddenly the bag was pulled away from him, his head snapping up he stared wide-eyed at Abagail who slung his bag carelessly over her shoulder. As if it were a normal thing to do.

“Uh - excuse me, can you please give me back my bag?” He begged weakly, keeping his head low, eyes trained on the ground. She never messed with him until now, why start?

“Stop - I don’t know if I like it when you beg yet.” She smirked, her pink lips plump and - Daniels eyes went to the ground once again, not wanting to stare a moment longer at her face. Her proximity, her talking to him. His face couldn’t stop from heating, he felt the redness of his cheeks would become never ending as he waited for his bag to be handed back to him, already noticing her flexing muscles beneath the weight. And he couldn't believe how muscular she was.

“Abby - aren’t you going to introduce me to your boyfriend?” Caden appeared, his dark red hair spiked - brown eyes pinning Daniel to his spot. Daniel expected Abagail to laugh - to protest in anger of her friends assumption. To really cut to the chase.

“This is Daniel. Daniel, this is Caden. Play nice.” She sent her warning towards her best friend, grabbing Daniels forearm and latching onto him tightly. “Anyway - what did we have after lunch?” She started up a conversation with Caden - leading a dazed Daniel out of the classroom. Caden on his left, Abagail on his right, everyone stopped and stared. Daniel fumbled with each step as the two had a conversation over him.

People from all over the halls stared. Daniel was a nobody, and they were a sombody.

But this nobody was beside who everybody wanted to be.

“So Daniel - what do you have next class?” Abagail asked, removing her hand from his, flexing her fingers. The tingles was getting to bad - making her hands have pins and needles. Mine, she wanted to whisper it into his ear over and over again right before digging her canies in and marking him as hers.

“Uh - I have um, maths.” He stuttered, ducking his head and wishing to shrink away into himself as they walked past the football team. He wished they had missed him walking past, but when Cameron slammed his locker shut, Daniel knew he had been spotted. He felt their eyes on them as they walked past - along with the many eyes around them. But Caden and Abagail seemed immune to the stares.

“Do I make you nervous?” Abagail whispered huskily in his ear. Daniel coughed at the smirk she was giving him, why the sudden interest - he had no idea.

“Uh - um eh.” He was totally nervous. Just this morning Daniel didn’t even consider the possibility of them talking - if he did he would be terrified.

“Awe cute.” She pinched his cheek, his glasses pushed against his forehead, staring wide-eyed at her as she bite her lip - she was definitely flirting with him now.

“Hey Daniel - there you are.” Daniel froze, fear radiating off him as he stood rigid. The small trio turned to see the football team - Cameron stood at the front, hair combed to the side and dimples in his cheek. Looking innocent, but Daniel knew hatred and evil lurked beneath that facade. “Can we borrow our friend?” Cameron gulped and Daniel remained still - still scared of Cameron - but it terrified him that Cameron was afraid of the two people standing beside him. “Daniel come here - we want to have a chat.” He knew they wanted their homework - and something to punch. They were being very persistent.

“I’ll be - ” Even though he was scared and sure that Abagail and Caden had an ulterior motive, it was better than what Cameron and his friends usually did. At least he knew what they wanted.

“You don’t have to go if you don’t want.” Abagail offered him, staring up at him and twirling a piece of her messy around her finger. Her knuckle tattooed and eyes screaming mischief and danger. But she looked kind of cute - like a puppy.

“Gosh Abby do you have to sound so desperate.” Caden snickered, grabbing his friend roughly by the shoulders. She still had his bag over her shoulder. But Daniel took it from her, eyes trained on the crowd behind her. Cheeks burning.

“You got some nerve, nerd.” Cameron growled, dragging Daniel into an abandoned classroom, stumbling over his feet before being kicked to the ground.

ABAGAIL let her hand fly to her mouth as soon as she stepped outside and began uncomfortably giggling, tears trailing down her eyes as she pulled her friend into a hug.

“Is it bad that I miss him? - yes it is bad. Bad Abby, bad.” She said excitedly, suddenly coursing with energy. “I miss him so much - he smells so nice,” she pressed a hand to her chest. An overload of emotions racing through her.

“Oh gosh Abby get a hold of yourself.” Caden stared wide-eyed at his friend in disbelief. The girl only giggled, jumping up and down on the spot - her eyes filled with excitement. “What are you going to do about him being human?” The smile on her face fell - and he felt bad. Wished he hadn't brought it up to ruin her happiness.

"Shit - what am I going to do? Caden I’m going to pass out.” Abagail threw her hand out as she swayed on the spot. In panic he grabbed her and laughed, he had never seem his friend. It was extremely uncharacteristic of her.

“I think you’re intimidating him Abby.” Caden sighed, staring at his friends face, knowing that his words weren’t really getting to her. Her neatly plucked eyebrows were furrowed as she frowned. Didismissing his words for another time.

“We should just walk past him - like a casual walk by. You know? Like "oh heeey - I didn’t see you there" get it?” Abagail blushed - the lightest pink tinging her cheeks.

“I knew you’d find your mate today.” Caden interupted her weird outburst. “And we’ll do one walk by and that’s it.”


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