Bite me

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Klaus was looking himself in front of a mirror, soon he will be on a date with a beautiful blonde.

"How can she reject me?" Says Kol, who was sitting on Klaus's bed with a pensive look "She maybe could be lesbian?"

"Or you are an incompetent." Says Klaus while was looking himself in the mirror. He was wearing a white shirt with sleeves "Now you have to conquer the witch, I will be on a date and I don't wanna worry with threats." He caught a black leather jacket that was hanging in the mirror and he dressed it.

"You seem to like her a lot to care more about this stupid date than about the witches' threats." Kol commented "I hope that she hates you." He smirked.

A maid entered in the room to see if Klaus needed of something and the hybrid came close to her and stuck his hand in her chest and pulled her heart out, so fast that she didn't even have a chance to scream. The body of the maid falls in the ground and Klaus throws her heart next to the body.

"Why did you do that?" Kol asked while stood up.

Because you are annoying me and I wanted rip out your heart, but I can't hurt you yet." Klaus gives a diabolical smile and adds "Unless you can not get what I want, then I I'll take your heart and when your body regenerate another, I will put a dagger on it."

"You always threat me with daggers, how much originality. Kol seems so calm with the threat and that bothered Klaus. Why his brother isn't scared? The hybrid hopes it's because of a smart plan to attract the witch.

"You will be able to complain when you are lying in a coffin." Klaus get out of his room and went to the bathroom to wash his hands that were stained with blood.


Caroline entered in restaurant, which Klaus choose for the meeting. She was so stunning with a purple dress, black high heels and with make up. The time that she spent on it absolutely worth it.

She sat down in a chair and waited for Klaus, the restaurant is pretty fancy and probably expensive, Klaus must be very rich. Chandeliers light the place, the table has a red tablecloth, and the glasses has already on it.

She looks at the people who are eating and notice a woman who is wearing a beautiful diamond necklace, she was eating a baked chicken.

Klaus appears and sits down facing Caroline.

"Wow! You look beautiful." He said and then smiles admiring Caroline.

"What are you two going to want to eat?" A waiter asked.

As Klaus did not answer, Caroline speak:

"Baked chicken."

"Me too." Klaus says "And I would like your  best champagne."

When the waiter left, they started to talk.


When Davina used to live in New Orleans she used to go a jazz club, so that's where she went. Coincidentally, she found Josh, he was her best friend before she moved.

The two talked a lot about how were the last two years, including the part that she came back to the city because of witches. Davina had told to Josh that she was a witch when they completed one year of friendship, she disrespecting the rules of witches who don't like to show themselves to humans, but Davina didn't care about it, she trusted in Josh and still do.

When Davina commented with him that she didn't remember his address anymore, Josh offered himself to took her until there.

Right now the witch was sitting on the couch from Josh's house and her cellular made a sound, she took the device. It was a message from Caroline, who was asking for Davina find her on the restaurant, she was using Klaus's cellular.

"How it was?" Davina typed.

"It was incredible" Caroline replied "He was very cute, even offered to take me home"

"Why you didn't accepted?"

"Because I didn't wanna Tereza to see him and also that Klaus to know  I should be home at 10:00 p.m." It's true and both disrespected this rule, probably they will be punished, Davina was so tired of this.

Davina send: "At least I won't be the only one to be punished.

"Is your cousin?" Josh asked and Davina nodded.

"I have to go now." She stood up and Josh does the same. 

"Do you wanna that I go with you?"

"You don't need to." Davina hugs him.

"Sure." Then Josh accompanies her until the sidewalk. "Be careful, It's happening so many deaths in the city."

Davina laughs and says:

"I'm a witch, remember?" And she waved.

She then walk by the street that was practically empty, the witch even remembered of last night when the vampire attacked her, but If he had being honest with her this morning, he will leave her alone, so Davina stopped worrying.

Suddenly, she felt hands holding her, Davina was surprised since she don't heard one step behind her. The person wasn't human, she realized this by his strength.

Before Davina can cast a spell the vampire bites her neck. The girl screamed.

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