Chapter 1

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It's been 4 years since I seen Niall. I cried my self to sleep knowing my best friends forgot all about me and that I have cancer. I'm on the computer right now writing this fun huh? I mite not ever get to finish this because I mite die in the process. This mite not end with a happy ending. If you can not take the pain or sadness or even death I would not read. Well back to the point.

My computer goes off. Of course twitter. I click twitter and go to see it. Just a nothing sorry your in my prays thing cuz I got cancer. What I really need is my best friend. To help me get throw this. He left then 3 months later my mom died in a car crash. Hit by a drunk driver. Then about a year later I was diagnosed with cancer. I have hair thank god. I live with my dad which he is sick in the hospital. So I kinda live there too. Which you think since I have stage 4 cancer I would be in there but no because I don't care if I'm going to die so be it. You mite think I'm wrong for saying that but. My dad can't even breath on his on. My mother is dead and Niall left me. So I don't care. I tweeted back


Thanks I really need it! <3

I have like 300 followers but I think it's just because I have cancer. I'm laying by my dad right now on the couch think about my birthday tomorrow. I'm not turning 21 I'm turning 20. Ya I know I said I was 20 but since I'm starting this the day before why not. It's like 11pm here so I better be off to sleep! Night tomorrow maybe! If I may wake to see the age of 20.


I woke up in a pool of sweat with nurses around my father. I didn't know what was going on. I got up and gather around my dad. They where bout to pull the plug. I tear came down my eyes everybody has left me.


Th nurse pulled me out me fighting them! With the strength I have.


They pulled me out the room and closed the door. I screamed a shouted while I saw my dad being unplugged and die.


I screamed the nurse tried to calm me down it did not help.

"Ever thing is goon! I'm alone dieing with cancer!" Crying.

One of the nurse gave me my stuff and I walk out the hospital. I walked my car was at home where I would have to go and be alone. I walked home crying! Make it worst it start raining. What a birthday for me! Where my princess charming when you need him?!? The ran stopped over my head but not around me. I look up to see I just walk under a building thing. I was hoping for maybe a guy with umbrella. Yea that will never happen. I pull my computer out after sitting down and look at twitter. Of course Niall would say happy birthday to everybody else but not his best friend! Happy birthday this happy birthday that but no AMBER! I sound very mean right now but I'm very mad. I just wish I would have never met! I can't believe I let my self fall in love with that jerk! I got up and walked back home. Bout 45 mins of walking in the rain I got inside and ran upstairs to the shower not want to see the memories. I will have to plan a funeral alone again

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