I am so lost
in my own feelings
in my own mindThere is no place
that I could call home
There is no place
where I am not lonelyI know, they hate me
but, now it's too late
tears running down my face
I think, I'm going insaneDrunk me
Get me high
It won't help
I am so, so emptyMy body is getting cold
I have so much to say
Get me away from this place
please, let me dieDon't love me
it's worthless
I am just a sad soul
numbness wreckLet me go
where I belong
give me pills
and let me goMy happy little pill
and two bottles
Little pack of happiness
and one knife----------
Ak nájdete niekde chyby prosím napíšte mi ich 😊😅
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