Love is in the Air

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Obunga didn't know he needed Osama in his life before he met him. But once they met, both of their lives changed.
They met on September 11th, 1998, and they fell in love immediately.
Obunga was riding the Subway to work and what do you know, Osama was there too. they locked eyes and they knew at that second that they would be married. Before Obunga was getting off the train, Osama stopped him.
"Wait a second, Obunga Chan. You can't leave me, my love. Not yet" Osama said.
"UwU... B-but S-senpai... I must go..." And Osama kissed Obunga Chan passionately on the lips.
Obunga was absent from his work at the World Trade Center for every day that week. He was spending time with his Senpai, Osama. Eventually, Obunga was fired from his job, but at least he was happy.

The power couple was still madly in love after two years of being together, and Osama proposed to Obunga while they were watching a political debate in a television store on 9/11/00. Of course, Obunga said yes. Obunga loved politics. He became... Obama Bin Laden.

For their one year anniversary, Osama wanted to do something special for Obunga Chan. So, naturally, Osama had his minions crash a couple planes into the WTC. Obunga was petrified at his present. Obunga was about to give Osama his present, a personalized toilet paper roll that said "I ♡ the shit outta you", when the FBI burst through their door and tackled Osama. Then, the US Government tied a bunch if cinder blocks to Osama's feet and dropped him in the Ocean.

Obunga Chan was broken. His true love was gone, he had nothing. Obunga was about to eat 57 Tide Pods when he remembered that Osama would've wanted better for him. He would've wanted to live his dream of being a politician, so that's exactly what he did. But first, Obunga had to get a new family. So, he put out an add on eBay for a new family. In under 6 months, he found a new family. Obunga Chan became the president of america.
Everything was great, but his love was still dead.

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