Connor (Detroit: Become Human) x Reader

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(This is Gender Neutral)
You were a deviant running away from your owners because they took away your Nintendo 3DS. You had to find a way to get to Jericho, before the cops found you. You couldn't stand all the oppression you were getting from humans. For example, the other day, a human came to visit your owners' home and you gave them a box of chocolate milk. The dumb human didn't even want to sleep with you. You were sick of being used.
You decided to hop on a bus, which, for some odd reason, you don't need to pay to ride.
You sit in your seat, manspreading as far as you can so no one sits next to you. The bus slows down as an Android with a little Android girl runs on the bus. They look afraid. I wonder if their owners took away their 3DS's too.
They sit down in a seat. The little girl leans against the mom Android. They are both soaked with rain. The little girl says she's cold. The older robot says she can't do anything to help her.
Why don't you just turn off your heat thingy you dumbass, you're obviously a little Android girl. I can literally SEE your LED, you thought. But ig it's none of your business.
You get off the bus and wander around Detroit. You see a ship that looks like the Titanic and you want to see if it really is, so you go on.
You see a bunch of Androids and think shit... This must be Jericho... You were really looking forward to seeing the Titanic. Because young Leonardo DiCaprio amiright?? 😥😥💦💦
A couple days pass and you've been watching the news and it doesn't look good. The police are tryna kill all Androids and Deviants. Oh fuck oh shit
Over the next few days, you have to jump into a river, protest A LOT and do a bunch of other shit that ra9 told his Deviants to do. Lots of Deviants got killed. But Markus didn't care lol they're just Deviants.
But things changed when a fine ass robot named Connor, the Android sent by CyberLife, wanted to probe your memory 😥😥💦💦💦💦💦 like,,, yes please daddy.
He took you to his penthouse and he hecking tested you for evidence for his case. He said he needed your help, and that he'd die without you. Lmao that's what they all say.
Anyways he said he needed to check very closely for any evidence.
"I can turn your software into hardware" he said sexily to you.
So then Connor dropped to his knees and pulled down your pants to reveal your 5.3 cm micropenis.
He put it in his mouth and all of a sudden a man burst in the door, just to yell, "Ugh, Connor what did I tell you about putting evidence in your mouth?"
Connor justified himself. "I'm sorry, Lt. Anderson. I was just.... Analyzing it, Sir".
Hank shook his head in disgust and walked out.
Damb, you thought, that was almost as good of a succ as the vacuum I've been using.

And then Connor was killed by Hank because he got his son's name wrong. Even though Hank REFUSED SEVERAL TIMES TO TALK ABOUT HIM, SO HOW WAS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT HIS DEAD SON'S NAME WAS COLE. Wtf kind of name is Cole anyways lmfao. That's what you get in your stocking if you're naughty, NOT a name.

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