Baldi x Monika

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"Oh no... I forgot all of my books at school!" Sayori exclaimed to her friends.
Monika, Sayori, Natsuki, and Yuri were walking to Yuri's house to work on things for the festival.
"Well that was dumb of you. Better go back and get them, retard". Of course, typical Natsuki response. No biggie.
"Yeah, Sayori. We need those books for the festival" Yuri stated calmly.
"Ugh... But I'm lazy and I don't wanna" Sayori whined.
"Well I'm not doing it!" Natsuki squeaked like a mouse.
"And I have to unlock the door..." The best girl, aka Yuri, says.
They look at Monika.
Monika fake smiles and says, "Sure! I'll go get your books, Sayori! No problem!"
Sayori gasps. "Really Monika? Thank you so much!!" She hugs her.
"No.... Problem....Sayori...." Monika manages to get out because Sayori is suffocating her with her embrace.
Sayori lets go and Monika runs back to the school to retrieve the books.
"Stupid Sayori. Forgetful bitch. I'll fucking show her".
She gets to the school and goes up to the front steps. She gently opens the door...
Monika goes to the math room to look for one of Sayori's books and luckily she finds one. But before she picks it up, she has to solve a problem first.
"Duh, that's 8"


"12, obviously".

Monika retrieved one book!
She went into another room and found the second book.
"That's 1"

"That's 3 I'm not dumb"

Uh oh... Monika
"Um.... 50?"

Monika left the room and as she did, she heard some sort of slapping noise in the hallway. She shrugged it off and kept looking.
As she went to a different room, a girl with a rope (not Sayori) approached her and said, "Let's play!" Monika ran away but she soon found herself jumping rope with this little girl.
Monika ran again bc she was afraid asf.
Monika found another notebook and she got all the questions wrong. She went out and heard the slapping again. She turned the corner and tHERE WAS MR. BALDI OH MY GOD MONIKA GET OUT OF THERE OMG MONIKA.
But Baldi grabbed Monika and took her into his office.
"Baldi... Pls don't hurt me..."
He slapped his ruler on his hand.... THEN HE SLAPPED IT ON MONIKA'S ASS.
Monika squealed with excitement and PLEASURE.
"Oh yes Baldi delete my ass".
And he kept slapping Monika's ass with his ruler.
Then he yeets the ruler up her booty hole.
Splinters for days.

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