obama x freddy fazbear

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It was Michelle's first day on the job as the nightguard at the local pizza shop, Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria. She had always wanted to work here, despite her husband Barack's protests. "Michelle come on plz do not go to the fatbear's restaurant plz michelel," he would tell her.
But Michelle is a strong independent black women and can do whatever the hell she pleases, you dumbass.

Michelle sat in her dark office. She was playing Fork Knife on her Kindle, boutta snipe a mf. She glanced over at the cameras, and in one of the hallways, she saw Freddy standing there. She flipped to another camera to check on the others. She saw a gay headass looking balloon boy standing there in a closet. She flipped back to the camera she saw Freddy on. He was gone wtf.  "Aw hell nah hunny I'm ditchin. Obunga was right" she whispered.
Before she could Usain Bolt TF outta there, Freddy gently opens the door. Michelle YEETS a stapler at that mf and straight up hits the quan on him. She teabags him. But her efforts were not good enough and so Freddy consumes her. She is inside of Freddy uh oh.

It is 6 o'clock in the AM now and Obama gets worried so he goes to the Pizzaria to check on his wifey. He checks all over but he can only find those ugly gay animatronics.
"Barack" the bear says
"Yes, my fellow American?"
"It me"
"It's Michelle!!2!"
Obama is stunned. Of course he believed the bear bc why tf not he's not stupid like you.

Over the next few weeks, Freddy and Obama's relationship had grown closer than ever before. But it's difficult, as most people do not approve of a human-animatronic relationship. But Obama doesn't care, stupid. GOD DUMBASS.
Obama feels more free with Freddy than he did with Michelle, even though Freddy actually is Michelle just dressed as a bear, and Obama was loving it. Freddy didn't tell him to take out the trash or walk the dog or sacrifice another African child for the ritual. No, Obama was a free MAN NOW!! Well technically he would've been a free man back in like the 1960s or something but nvm that.

After years of being together, they decide to "renew their vows".but oh HOHO NO! NO! NO DONT SO IT OBANA PLS DINT DO IT ITA A TRAP.

as they were bouta kiss, Freddy ate Obama : - )

When he got down to the stomach of Freddy Fatbear, he saw Michelle. Michelle said,"did u take the trash out, Barry?" And then Obunga killed himself UwU.

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