Day One

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"HELLO and thank you for joining us here today! We hope you enjoy the challenges of the tournament. Let me introduce our wonderful judges.
We have Chrysanthemum, the Shini region champion! Next we have Mr. Sakuro, the man who made this entire tournament possible. And I'm nurse Joy of Cyistalia city. I have flown in especially for this tournament! So let's get started!!!
First, I'm going to explain the rules to everyone.
When you all registered yesterday you received a card with a number. That number will be placed in a generator and you will be partnered with another number via random number generation. That number corresponds to the card the trainer your paired with has in their possession.
Once you know who your partner is you will decide which room to keep and you will bunk together. You will also train and battle together throughout the tournament. But there's a catch.
As some of you know already, this is also a performance competition. Meaning as much as battles and deleted count towards winning, presentation and pazzaz count just as much.
You will need to learn to battle with your partner and their Pokemon. You will need to learn to strategize together, battle together, and how to present your moves with grace and style!
This is an 18 day tournament meaning there will be battles every other day. Of 75 teams, only 50 will advance to the next stage. After the second battle only 40 will advance. Then 30, then 20, then 10, then 4, then the final 2 will finish it out on the last day. Now does everyone understand?" Nurse Joy paused for a moment to see if anyone had any questions. When no one spoke up she started taking again.
"Ok then I guess it's time to find out your partners!!! And HERE THEY ARE!!"
As nurse Joy spoke pairs of numbers began to appear across a giant screen in the back of the stadium.
"All right Brock!!!" Ash high fives his longtime friend. He was excited because they had been paired up.
"Uhhhh..." dawn ash and Brock looked over and saw Conway and Barry standing together. It looked like they were partners as well. Dawn ducked away before Conway could see her and started looking for the trainer holding card number 5.
She walked around for a few minutes before spotting the card with the 5 on it. She ran up to tge trainer to find it was Paul.
He looked at her very annoyed like and sighed.
"They would put me with you troublesome." Paul said smugly.
"It's dawn"
"Ok twilight"
"ITS DAWN!!! D A W N!!!"
Conway saw her and snuck up behind her as she was yelling at Paul. He wrapped his hands around her waste causing her to scream.
"Aaaahhh!!!! Get off of me Conway!!!"
"What do you want!" Paul stated more than asked, and he sounded pissed.
"Well Paul, I figured since you don't much care for dawn we could trade partners. I'd MUCH rather share a room with this beautiful vixen."
Dawn shivered and looked down, tears forming in her eyes she stiffened in fear...again.
"I'd rather not have to deal with Barry and his obnoxious mouth for 3 weeks." He said flatly. He then grabbed Dawn by the wrist and pulled her from the stadium back to the Pokemon Center.

Once at the center Paul continued pulling g dawn towards her ash and Brock's suite. When they got there he told dawn to open it and wait on the couch. She did as told and Paul proceeded to the room where all of Dawn's belongings were and started packing them up.

I can't believe I'm doing this. Why am I so angry at how uncomfortable she is? What is that guys problem? He's creepy always following dawn around. Ugh! Why do I even care about that?! I'm only making her come to my room so I don't have to move. Ugh! Why does she have so many different packages? I think that's everything.

"Ok let's go dawn. I'm in room 28 and im not moving. I think I got everything, if not oh well, you shouldn't have so much shit."
"Ok" dawn said weakly.
Paul looked at her confused. She was looking at the ground and was scared as she answered him. He grabbed her wrist again to lead her to his room and noticed she flinched. Again he felt concerned for her. And that pissed him off even more. He couldn't understand why he was concerned about dawn and it was confusing him.
They made their way to Paul's room. Once inside dawn immediately went to the living room, curled up in a ball on the couch and cried herself to sleep. Paul looked at her both feeling sorry for her but unsure as to why she was acting like this.

What's wrong with her? Is she crying because she's stuck with me? She flinched when I touched her, is she scared of me? She doesn't think I would actually hurt her does she? I think I should let her have the room today.

Paul walked over to the now sleeping Dawn and carefully picked her up bridal style. He carried her to the bed and tucked her in. He brushed his hand across her face before exiting to the living room to sleep.
I'll ask her tomorrow morning when she's calmed down

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