Forced Bonds

365 12 16

The following day around 9:30 pm.

"Oh Paul! I'm so happy you've decided to give Ash and Brock a chance!!! Now I know Ash can be a bit much sometimes but maybe being around you will help him learn to tone it down a bit."
Dawn is very excited about tonight. Paul thought to himself.

"Just so you know I don't plan on becoming best friends with these loosers. But I figured if they're your family I may as well get along with them because I plan on being with you for a very long time. " Paul blushed when he said that last part.
Dawn pretended not to notice. She grabbed a dark purple and black bag and handed it to Paul. Inside he found all sorts of snacks and drinks.
"They're for you and the guys. I put some coffins in there as well."
"Thank you troublesome."
"Man I'm getting sleepy. What are you guys going to do anyway?"
"Were going to the gym to get some training done and maybe to the exercise room so I can get training in as well. I'll be back by 3."
"Ok Paul. I'm going to bed have fun tonight and remember, be patient with Ash, he's a really good friend, you just have to get to know him. "
"That's what I plan on doing. Come on, I'll tuck you in before I go. By the way Dawn, since I'm training anyway, let me take your Pokemon to train with me. They haven't gotten a good work out since the storm started and you don't want them getting lazy."
"You're right! Thank you Paul
I feel guilty now, I should be training not acting like I'm on vacation."
"It's ok I will give them a food work out. Now get some sleep I'll be back."
Paul kissed dawn on the forehead put Dawn's pokeballs in his bag along with his and walked out of the room.
It didn't take long for Paul to find Brock and Ash after explaining to them the story he had given Dawn the boys headed down to the other side of the dormitories to go find Conway's room for some reason there weren't any cameras in the Pokemon Center it was very different from other Pokemon centers in that way every Pokemon Center they had ever been to always had cameras down the hallway and at each of the entrances and exits but not this one I guess here nothing bad happens so they don't worry about it but that works at in the boys favor.
"Pikachu, short out the door would ya?" Ash asked his partner.
"Chaaa!" The yellow mouse happily replied. Sparks began to form around his cheeks. He pressed his sparking face to the key card slot until they heard a click sound that let them know the door was unlocked.
Paul called out Dawn's espeon and the boys walked inside. Espeon saw Conway sleeping and began to use psychic to levitate him out of the room. They grabbed his bag his pokeballs and all of his clothes. We also left a note for Barry stating that he (Conway) was leaving since they had already lost the tournament. They signed it under Conway's name so it looked like he wrote the letter.
Once safely outside the room with Conway they headed outside. Paul called out weevile and Dawn's umbreon.
"Umbreon I need you to teleport us here," he said showing the dark fox Pokemon a spot on the map. "I need you to shield us from the storm weevile. Use trick room once were out there." Paul ordered.
The Pokemon both nodded and we're ready to go. In a flash of blue light they were all teleported to the middle of the forest.
Weevile quickly used trick room surrounding them all in a soundproof room. Paul then released his frostlass and had her use mirage (move I made up she can create a mirage so people won't see what's really there) and concealed the trick room. They took Conway and tied him to a sturdy tree.
Ash called out his Pokemon as did Brock and Paul, he also releases Dawn's Pokemon.

Here's everyone's poke
Pikachu, Charazard, Greninja, Hawloucha, Noivern, & Infernape
Onix, Ninetails, Ludicolo, Ryhorn, Neidoking, & Skarmory
Torterra, Weevile, Frostlass, Electavire, Ursarig, & Gengar
Dawn (that are here)
Piplup, Espeon, & Umbreon

"Piplup, wake this piece of shit up." Paul commanded. The blue penguin Pokemon smiled and formed a huge whirlpool and tossed it at Conway's face.

"Wahhhhhhh! What's going on?! Where am I??? Why the hell can't I move?!" (C)
"Shut up!" Smack! (A)
"You really thought we wouldn't find out didn't you?" (B)
"What do you mean!? I didn't do anything!" (C)
"Dawn told us everything you sick bastard!" (B)
"Yea so cut the act!" (A)
"I don't know what dawn told you but I didn't do anything!"
Smack! Punch! Kick!
"So you're calling dawn a liar? After everything you have the nerve to sit here and deny it!!! YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID!!!" (P)
"Espeon use tail whip, umbreon use shadow ball, piplup use ice shard, Electavire use thunder shock, weevile use slash, torterra use leaf storm, Ursarig use hyperbeam, gengar use nightshade!" (P)
"Ninetails use psywave, Ludicolo use mega sound, Ryhorn surge, onix bind, Neidoking sluge bomb, Skarmory swift!" (B)
"Pikachu thunderbolt, Greninja water shurikin, Hawloucha use karate chop, Noivern use dragon breath, Infernape flame blast, Charazard lava spit!"(A)
"Take your time with him guys don't everyone attack at once." (B)
"Wait no please!!! HELLLLLLLLLLLP!!!!!!" (C)
"No one can hear you. Even if they could who would want to help you? You're a perverted piece of garbage. No one cares about you, and no one is coming." (P)
A look of fear spread across Conway's face. Paul just laughed at him.

"P-p- please I...I can't take anymore!" It had been about an hour and Conway was now begging Paul ash and Brock  to stop. The Pokemon were taking turns firing attacks at him and he was moments away from dying.
"Piplup, she's your partner, and it was your idea, finish it before I do." (P)
Piplup nodded. His beak began to glow and grew to 2 feet in length. He charged at Conway and stamped him in the stomach with his beak. Stepping back the penguin thought it was over but Conway was still clinging onto life.
"Move." (P)
Paul pulled a katana off of his back and stabbed him in the same spot piplup had. Using all his strength he pulled the blade upwards splitting Conway in half.
As he fell to the ground and blood pooled the area Paul Ash and Brock returned their Pokemon. (Except for weevile, piplup, and onix.)
"Brock, have onix dig a hole, a very deep hole."(P)
"Onix use dig make sure it's extra deep!"(B)
The rock serpent Pokemon began digging a hole. After 3 or 4 minutes he reemerged.
Paul Ash and Brock grabbed what was left of Conway and tossed him into the hole.
"Onix use mudslide, fill in that hole-"
"Wait!" (P)
Tosses all of Conway's Pokemon in the hole along with his belongings
"Hyperbeam weevile, burn it all."(P)
Shoots a beam of light in the hole causing an explosion
"You can fill the hole now." (P)
"Onix you heard him." (B)
"We can never tell anyone about this. Paul I know you think I'm childish and have a big mouth, but I swear to you, I will never speak of this to anyone. " (A)
"Hn" (P)

"It's been 2 hours, it's time to go." (B)

Back at the Pokemon Center

"Hey let's go to the work.out room and wind down. We still have to get to know a little about each other so Dawn won't question us too much." Brock said as the boys walked in the gymnasium area of the pokecenter.
Paul and ash followed him until they came to a room full of different exercise equipment boxing equipment and weight sets. There was a bar in the corner with all kinds of protein shakes and snacks.
They walked over to the bar and got something to drink and sat down.
"So what do we talk about?" Ash asked.
The boys spent the next 2 hours talking about themselves, their goals, their travels, and their mutual love for dawn. Paul was surprised to find he actually enjoyed talking with ash and brock. The boys said their goodbyes and headed to their rooms. While walking to his room Paul was analyzing every detail of the conversation he had with Dawn's friends.
He has a lot more in common with them than he thought. He decided they weren't so bad, he knew that if he wanted to be with dawn he had to get used to her friends being around. Maybe having friends wouldn't be so bad. He got to his room quietly slipped on his pajamas and got into bed ready for tomorrow.

With Ash & Brock
"He's really not a bad guy like I thought. An ass hole yes, but his life has been terrible I don't blame him for being the way he is." Ash stated.
"He's had a lot happen to him that's for sure. And he really cares about Dawn." Brock said in reply.
"I wonder if Dawn is going to travel with him, or if he'll travel with us?" Ash thought out loud.
"I would imagine they would want to travel together, not sure how they would work it out though. We'll just have to wait and see. " Brock answerd.
"We can ask them tomorrow, right now it's 4:30 in the morning let's get some sleep Ash." Brock finished.
They made it to their room and headed for bed. They decided to hang out together with Dawn and Paul tomorrow so they needed rest.

All 3 of the boys were asleep by the time their head hit the pillow.

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