Final Battle

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"Well this is it folks! It's been a long time coming! Thank you so much for joining us this new years Eve! Without further ado let's get this finale started!!!
On the right side of the field we have Ash and Brock!"
Aaaaaahhhh.  Whooooo you can do ittttt!!!!!

"And in the left side of the field we have dawn and Paul!!!"
Aaaaah yayyyyyy YASSSSSSS whooooo hoooooo yaaaaayyyyyyy!!!!!!

"Trainers, this will be a two on two battle, no substitutes allowed, the battle will be over when all four Pokemon on either side are unable to battle!!! Now release your Pokemon!!! The battle between team AshXBrock vs team DawnXPaul will start now!!!"

"Lopbunny SPOTLIGHT!!!" (D)
"Torterra, standby for battle!" (P)
"Pikachu let's do it!!!" (A)
"Crogunk let's go!!!" (B)

"Use volt tackle!!!"(A)
"Bubble!" (B)
Pikachu surrounded itself in a ball of electricity and charged towards torterra. Crogunk shot a swarm of bubbles at lopbunny.

"Jump!" Dawn commanded with a smile.
"Take the hit then use frenzie plant." Paul said cooly.

As bubbles of all sizes were fixing to hit lopbunny, she jumped up in the air and began jumping on them like trampolines. She jumped higher and higher before dawn called out "TACKLE"
Lopbunny then jumped off the bubble and straight down to crogunk.
"Poison jab crogunk!!!".
As this was going on torterra took a massive hit from Pikachu. It didn't seem to face him as he stopped on the ground releasing huge thorny vines. The vines wrapped around Pikachu.
"Slam him until he's out."
Torterra did as commanded and began to repeatedly slam Pikachu into the ground head first. Until he has finally unconscious.
"Oh no lopbunny!!!" Dawn cried. As her Pokemon came full speed at Brock's it was hit in the fave by crogunk poison jab. She fell unconscious to the ground.

"Pikachu and Lopbunny are unable to battle!"

"Charazard go!!!" Ash called out his final Pokemon. Dawn did tge same. "Go Vaporion!!! Use rain dance!!!!"
As both Pokemon were released from their pokeballs it began to rain .
"Charrrrrrrrrr !!!" Charazard screamed as the rain hit him. He was too busy trying to protect the flame on his tail to see Dawn's attack coming.
"Use hydro blast!!!" Tge water fox Pokemon shot a beam of water at the orange dragon Pokemon causing it to faint.
"Charazard is unable to battle!"
"What?! But how?!" Ash was amazed that dawn took him out before he was even able to Call an attack.
"Use sunny day followed by solar beam!" Paul instructed.
Torterra shot a ball of light into the sky causing it to sparkle and the sun to break through. Almost immediately it shot out a second more massive beam of light at Brock's crogunk.
"DODGE IT!!!" Brock yelled in vain. Crogunk wasn't fast enough and the solar beam hit its target head on.
"Crogunk is unable to battle, this is now a two on one battle, Brock release your final Pokemon!"
"Go...onix, use dig!!!"
"Destroy the field don't let him get away from you!" (P)
"Shoot water into the hole vaporion!" (D)

As onix dug into the ground vaporion followed shooting water pulse at the rock serpent Pokemon. At the same time torterra stomped on the ground causing the battlefield to begin to break apart.
"Use your bubbles dawn, get vaporion out of the way!!"
"You heard what Paul said vaporion, do it!!!"

The water fox Pokemon created a huge bubble and jumped on top of it.
"Now torterra use bide!!!"
"Onix you have to finish this now!!! Use rock toumb!!!"
 Onix straightened out and slammed his body on what was left of the battlefiels. giant pointed boulders began to form and surround Pauls torterra.

"YES!!! There's no way hes gonna get out of that one good job onix!!!'

"Don't get too cocky brock..." paul said.... "DO IT NOW!!!!"

"TORRRRR...TERRRRAAAAAAA!" the audience gasped as a huge white light vaporized the rocks surrounding torterra, a flash of white was followed by a huge explosion. The crowd was at the edge of their seats waiting to see if Brocks pokemon would survive the hit.

both ash and brock new this was it. If onix was out then they loose.

"GET UP ONIX!!!" brock pleaded with his pokemon, but to no avail.

as the dust cleared it was obvious Onix couldn't continue.

"Onix is unable to battle and that means DAWN & PAUL WIN!!!"

the croud errupted in a roar of cheers. confetti exploded in the air. dawn paul  walked over to ash and brock.

"that was a good battle," brock started

"yea you guys definately deserve the win." ash finished.

"it was so much fun, i cant believe we won!!!' dawn exclaimed as she was jumping for joy.

paul shocked everyone by holding out his hand to ash for a handshake.

"it was a good match.' he said sternly Ash shook his hand and simply nodded.


"We are pleased to announce this years tag team tournament champions, Dawn Berlitz and Paul Sinji!!! They have won $1,000 pokedollars, an automatic olace in the top 12 of the championship tournament and the coveted tag team ribbon badge!!!" Nurse joy announced. She handed paul a white golde badge that was shapped like a ribbon with a wave of water and thorny vine wrapping around it. she handed dawn the same badge but in white gold. She then handed them both an envelope with their pokedollars and a cirtificate that granted them a guranteed slot on the top 12 in the next tournament.

"Congrats guys!!! Now everyone, lets get this festival started!!!" nurse joy shouted as fireworks began to explode overhead. everyone began to watch the display and get onto rides, while others started getting food from vendors.

"Lets get on the rollar coaster paul!!" dawn said. As she started to run off paul grabbed her hand and spun her around catching her in his arms, he looked deep into her blue eyes before leaning in , dawn closed the gap between them making their lips meet in the middle. As the fireworks continued to explode above them paul whispered into dawns ear...

"I love you."

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