The Final Four

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Time skip 1 week. The blizzard has stopped and the tournament can resume. We are down to the final 4 teams
Ash x Brock vs Carol x Lana
Dawn x Paul vs Dan x Hilda

Each team has already qualified to compete in the championship tournament, it was now a battle to see who would be the best.

I suck at writing battle scenes so bare with me

"Greninja I choose you!" (A)
"Onix GO!!!" (A)

"Ivysaur help me out" (C)
"Go Starmie you help too!" (L)
"Ivysaur use leaf storm!" (C)
"Starmie use surf!" (L)

The girls were the first to call their attacks. Starmie spun in a circle creating a huge wave of water. It jumped on top of tge wave and began to surf towards the rock Pokemon. Ivysaur took in a huge breath and let it out through its back causing a swirl of razor sharp shiny leafs to rain on the stadium.

Brock and ash simply smirked at them. They had taken some advice Paul had given them and studied their opponents battle strategy. They were expecting them to use that combination.

"Use double team and then cut!"(A)
"Dig!" (B)

Onix jumped in the air and dove into the ground, causing the entire stadium to shake. At the same time Greninja began to multiply until there were dozens of them on the field. They all showed a glowing blade made of water in their left hand and began to slice the leaves.
As the water from Starmie surf attack was about to hit him, Greninja spun and used his blade to slice right through it.
Both Starmie and ivysaur stepped back waiting for their next instructions. Lana and Carol stood there in shock not knowing what to do.

"Do it now onix!" (B)
"Greninja you know what to do!" (A)

The ground began to shake and rumble as onix moved underground. As Carol and Lana looked in vain for where onix would emerge, Greninja jumped in the air and began throwing dozens of water shurikin at both Pokemon.
They turned their attention to the bombardment of attacks from Greninja. As they opened their mouths to call out an attack onix burst through the ground throwing both ivysaur and Starmie in the air.
"Oh no!!!" The girls yelled in unison.
"Finish it!!!"
Ash and Brock yelled together.
Onix tail began to glow as Greninja created a huge waterpulse in his hands. Onix slapped Starmie to the ground using iron tail and Greninja used the shurikin to slam ivysaur.
Once the dust settled both ivysaur and Starmie were determined unable to battle. Which meant Ash and Brock were in the finals!

"Let's go watch dawn and Paul's battle!!!" Ash hollered at Brock.
"Let's drop off our Pokemon with nurse Joy first." Brock said calmly.

At dawn and Paul's battle

"Use blizzard then ice beam Glaceon!! Show them your dance!!!" (D*)
"Brick break! Don't slip!!!!" (P)

"Oh no...Quilava use flame thrower!" (Dan)
"Uh... use Ariel ace Starraptor" (H)

Quilava threw it's head back and shot out a line of fire towards Paul's Electavire. Starraptor began to glow as it flew up high before coming at blinding speed towards Dawn's Glaceon.
Unfortunately for the opponent's dawn and Paul's Pokemon were just too fast for them.
Glaceon spun and danced as she created a storm of snow. She followed by using ice beam on the field, her signature move. She aimed her ice beam at the bird flying at her and froze it's right wing causing it to come crashing to the ground falling unconscious instantly.
She turned her head towards Quilava and shot the beam again freezing it's mouth causing it's attack to stop dead in its tracks. Electavire smirked like his master before pounding the poor Pokemon on the head . Quilava came crashing down face first unconscious before it hit the ground.

"Quilava and Starraptor are unable to battle, the winners are Dawn and Paul which means they will be facing off against Ash and Brock tomorrow during the final day of the tournament!
Although the other two teams lost, because they made it to tge semifinals they still qualify to compete in the championship tournament! We hope to see them there! Let's give all our trainers a hand and let's hear it for our finalists!!!!!" The announcer stated at the end of the battle.
After all the commotion died down, Dawn and co headed to the gym to train and have lunch.
They congratulated each other before heading to train. All of them wanting the prize at the end of this tournament they were ready to get it over with.

Sorry for the short chapter I just realized the next chapter is a little short as well. The next book will be when the championship starts 😃 only 2 more chapters😭😭😭

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