Battle Revenge

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It was the battle Dawn had been dreading. She felt sick and was ready to run. The only thing holding her back was the fact that she couldn't just walk out on Paul like that.
As her nerves began to take over she felt a hand grab hers. She looked up into Paul's eyes.
Intertwining his fingers with hers he smiled and asked "you ready for this?"
She nodded. Paul looked forward facing the stadium before him, his usual scowl on his face.
As Barry and Conway entered the stage they took notice of Paul and Dawn and how they were standing.  They also felt the tension in the air. Barry noticed Paul glaring at Conway with hatered basically spewing from his body. Dawn on the other hand looked down at the ground terrified clutching onto him for dear life.

"Trainers Release your Pokemon!!!"

"Weevile, STAND BY FOR BATTLE...CRUSH HIM!!!" Paul threw out his pokeball ferociously. Weevile appeared and glared at Conway.
Its trainer didn't know that all the Pokemon already knew what had happened to dawn thanks to piplups big beak. All of Paul's Pokemon wanted revenge for the only person their trainer had ever cared for.

"Joltion, help me...please"
Dawn tossed up a yellow and black pokeball and the electric fox Pokemon popped out with venom in its eyes. It sent shock waves around the whole stadium purposely hitting Conway.

"Dawn control him!" Paul spat at her.
"Joltion calm down." Dawn pleaded .
The Pokemon calmed itself and got into a battle stance.
Barry released Starmie and Conway released Tentacruel.
"Weevile you know what to do!"
The black Sphinx Pokemon jumped up in.the air and lifted jolteon with psychic. She then please a powerful ice beam on the ground. Taking a play from Glaceons book, weevile turned the arena into an ice rink.
Jolteon and weevile landed gracefully on the ice while Starmie and Tentacruel slipped around everywhere. Jolteon then used electric terrain on the ice causing both ice and electric moves to be double effective. This raised their points for strategic battling. The electric courses through the stadium causing a shower or electric and ice crystal sparkles. This got tgem performance points. All the while Conway and Barry are freaking out because their Pokemon can't move. The attacks they had managed to throw out there had missed and weevile and jolteon took each as a performance point opportunity.
"Ok enough touring around with them. " Paul said with a slight chuckle. "Finish them, and i want you to hurt his Pokemon, PUT THEM OUT OF COMMISSION!!!"
Wee Ile immediately skated over to Conway's Tentacruel. She whipped out her razor sharp claws and began slicing the jellyfish Pokemon mercilessly. Blood began pouring from it and Conway stood and watched in horror as the referee hadn't stopped the battle.
"Finish it Dawn. You don't have to hurt Barry's Pokemon. They didn't do anything to you, as for not sure why but she's out for blood...and from the looks of it, she's getting what she wants. End this before my Pokemon kills his." Paul said soothingly to her.
"Use volt tackle." Jolteon surrounded itself with a yellow electric aura and rushed lighting speed at Starmie. It was knocked out with one hit.
"Weevile enough." Paul said calmly.
The Pokemon backed off, joined the fox Pokemon, and together they walked to dawn and began to cuddle her.
"Thank you" she whispered to them.

"Uhhhh the winners are Dawn and Paul!" The announcer said . Shaken by what she had just seen she nervously smiled at the winners.

Time skip...a few hours later back in dawn and Paul's room. The two are sitting on.the couch watching a movie when they are suddenly interrupted.

Knock knock knock
"Ugh  stupid people" Paul paused the movie and got up. He walked over to answer the door. To his dismay it was ash and Brock.
Ash pushed his way past Paul and into the room, Brock stood at the doorway looking at ash like he was an idiot.
"Sure Ash come right on in" Paul said sarcastically. "Come in Brock." He spoke to Dawn's 'brother' with respect.

"What the fuck was that Paul?! Your weevile is as out of control as you are!" Ash was fuming at the ears and yelling at the top of his lungs.
Piplup jumped in between the two and faced Ash in a fighting stance, ready to protect its masters protector.
"Piplup what the hell? You're defending him? Have you all gone insane?!"
"Calm down you looser." Paul said curtly. Ash looked at dawn and she motioned for him to sit.
"Paul didn't know weevile was going to attack like that. My guess is piplup told his Pokemon what happened. She was protecting me Ash. Don't be mad at her or Paul. Its my fault."
"It's not your fault. Don't make me tell you that again, troublesome." Paul said with a smirk. Dawn smiled back and Brock chuckled to himself while ash sat there confused as ever.
"I think it's time I told you both. Paul will you sit with me." Paul silently walked to dawn and sat down.
"It's about Conway..." dawn started.
She began to retell the story of what Conway did to her. Ash grew horrified with each passing word while Brock looked like he would kill whoever he saw next. Paul kept his arms protectively around dawn as she told the story of her assault in more detail than she had the first time.
"And that's why weevile and jolteon acted the way they did."

"Dawn I..."
"It's ok Ash. " Dawn said to her friend. She knew he felt guilty. The incident happened 2 days after he left her to travel with Iris.
"I'm not really feeling well," she said. "I think I'm going to lay down, I'll see you guys later. She ran off with tears forming in her eyes.

"There you idiot. Are you happy now? She told you her big secret now leave." Paul was pissed that Dawn was upset and he blamed Ash.
He shouldn't have left her alone back then and he shouldn't have come barging in now. He wanted him to leave so he could go comfort dawn.
He got up and walked to the door. Holding it open he waited for ash and Brock to exit.
As they left Paul stopped Brock and said simply...
"Im going to let her stay up here tomorrow. I don't want anyone bothering her. She's just now beginning to deal with this and she needs her space. I know you and ash are her close friends so I'll tolerate Ash, for Dawn's sake, bit not until she's ready to see him. Tell him that for me." And then he closed the door and walked to the room to comfort a crying Dawn.

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