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"So what are you guys gong to do now?" Ash asked dawn and paul over breakfast the next morning. "I mean you're dating now so i know you'll want to travel together." Ash couldnt hide the sadness in his voice when he said this. Picking up on it dawn decided to say something "Ash," she began but Paul cut her off.

"She's going to keep traveling with you. I'm coming too." paul said like it was no big deal.

"Paul are you serious?" Brock asked.

"I know she wants to continue traveling with you two, and I want to travel with her. Therefore the only way to make everyone happy is if I go along with you all. But you need to learn to shut the fuck up every now n then Ash. "

"oh Paul I'm so happy!" dawn exclaimed.

"Before i agree to this I am telling you all my rules.... I dont do conversations, I dont Like stopping every 10 minutes, do NOT tell me how to train my pokemon, do not bother me with playing and other nonsense. I will stop to eat, sleep , and train. I'm in no mood for adventures...unless they're with dawn" he said the last part loud enough for only dawn to hear.

"I promise not to bug you Paul!!! I'll be honest with you, I dont agree with how you treat your pokemon. I dont like the way you battle with them. I dont like your methods. BUT, I guess it cant be too bad, or dawn wouldnt put up with it. So as long as dawn is ok with you, then so am I. " ash said, sounding much more mature than usual.

"well I guess that settles it. We should all finish up breakfast, lwt our pokemon go with nurse joy one last time while we pack up and then we should head out. we only have 3 months until the championships and its quite a ways away." brock stated.

everyone nodded in agreement and headed to pack.


The group was on their way to Veilstone  city where the contest would be held.  They had just gotten off a boat and were now in Sinnoh. Thankfully there was no more snowie weather. Sinnoh was beautiful. it was perfect autumn weather , it hardly ever snoweed in the part of the region they were traveling so they no longer wore their snowgear.

Ash wore a black t shirt with a blue vest blue jeans and blue vans. He had a Black cap with a half blue pokeball symbol.

Brock was wearing a dark green button up short sleeve shirt with kaki cargo pants and tan timberlands.

Paul was wearing a long sleeve dark blue long sleeve turtleneck shirt with a purple and black hoodie, black jeans and black DCs.

Dawn was wearing dark grey yoga pants with a purple v neck long sleeve shirt, grey boots and a purple beanie with a grey half pokeball symbol.

"WHY are they holding the championships in an entirely different region?!" Ash complained.

"Because trainers from every region will be there. You know that only trainers who beat the elite 4 can even qualify for the championships, they did a tag team battle like the one we did in every region. the winners from all of them will meet in veilstone city as well." brock explained.

"Ughhhhh I'm so hungry, can we stop for dinner?" Dawn asked.

"That sounds like a good idea. We should go ahead and stop for the night. I know its early, but we will be in bewildered forest soon, and its not safe to go at night. I know,  why dont you and paul go look for firewoood while me and ash set up camp." brock told Paul and Dawn.

Dawn grabbed Pauls hand and pulled him off into the forest.  Brock and Ash looked at each other and started laughing when they saw the pair headed off into the woods.

"Paul, are you ok? You seem upset." (D)

"I'm ok troublesome. Although I'm not thrilled about going back to veilstone city." Paul said. Feeling like he didn't really want to talk about it dawn left the topic alone.

They walked around for a while collecting firewood. "I think this is enough for now, let's head back already. " Dawn said. As she started walking off paul stopped her.

"I'm not angry with you, you know that right? Theres a lot I still haven't told you about my past, veilstone city just holds a lot of unhappy memories for me. It's hard for me to go back there." Paul looked at the ground as he spoke. Dawn was taken aback, as she had never seen him like this. he seemed ashamed. she grabbed both of his hands in hers and spoke softly to him. "Oh Paul, I understand. When youre ready to talk about it, I'm here for you, until then, I'll be standing by your side keeping your spirits up!"

"I'm so glad i have you Dawn." He cupped her face with his hands and planted a small kiss on her lips. They smiled at each other and headed back to the campsite.

Brock and ash had already set up two tents along with a table and cooking area.  As brock cooked dinner Ash Paul and Dawn started training. Ash and Paul were having a battle and dawn was practicing combination moves.


"man that was good brock!" ash and dawn yelled. "Thank you " paul said respectfully. everyone decided to go to bed so they could get an early start.

Ash and Brock shared a tent while Dawn and Paul shared the other. Dawn fell asleep quickly and peacefully, Paul on the other hand was tossing and turning having a nightmare.

He was on a boat, it was sunny and warm. Dawn was standing next to him looking out at the ocean. He put his arm around her waste pulling her close. Everything was perfect. the wind was blowing in her hair and the sea was calm. Suddenly, the sky turned dark and waves began crashing against the boat. He looked and dawn was in the water... drowning. He jumped in after her, he swam as hard as he could struggling to reach her but to no avail. She sunk below the surface . Paul dived in after her but couldnt find her, she was gone.

"NO not you too dawn, I cant loose you too!!!" paul screamed in anger as the clouds opened up and the rain began to fall on his face. He started to shake and couldn't figure out why. "Paul!" He looked around, he could hear dawns voice caling to him but it felt so far away. He couldn't find her, but he heard her. He kept shaking and shaking until finally...

"PAUL WAKE UP!!!" Dawn was shaking a sleeping paul. He was screaming her name in his sleep and thrashing around. She knew he was having a bad dream and was trying to wake him up. He opened his eyes and sat up instinctively. He looked around the room searching until he saw dawn.

"Paul, what's wrong? You were yelling in your sleep. " Dawn was saying to Paul.

"Dawn, turn on the lamp I need to talk to you. " Dawn obliged "Look troublesome, I think its time I told you about my past."


A Troublesome TeammateWhere stories live. Discover now