Blizzards and Too Much Time

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"Dawn wake up." Paul lightly nudged dawn attempting to wake her. Piplups noticed and decided to help out. He released a small bubble beam. It lands on Dawn's face waking her up instantly.
"Piplup! What was that for?!"
Paul started chuckling.
"Look on the balcony."
Dawn looked to where Paul was pointing and saw a huge snow storm outside.
"Oh no, we can't battle in that!" Dawn said loudly.
"Obviously." Paul said back to his usual self.
"Rude much?" Dawn was irritated with him.
"Look troublesome, just because I care about you doesn't mean I'm going to change my entire personality. "
Dawn looked at him completely dumbfounded.
"Sigh Ok, look..." Paul walked over do the bed where dawn was stiiting and sat down next to her. He grabbed her hand in his and took a deep breath before speaking.
"Last night was.... amazing." He felt his face growing red with embarrassment but continued speaking
"I meant it when I said I won't leave you. And I care about you, but...I'm still me. Be realistic. If you wanted someone nice and optimistic you could've been with Ash but you didn't want him or anyone like him you wanted me. I am going to continue to be the person I always have been. But I will be kinder with you. But.... I will not allow my feelings for you to stop me from reaching my goals. I will not allow them to cause me to show weakness in front of any of these pathetic excuses for trainers. I expect you to do the same. You will not allow your feelings for me to get in the way of you achieving your goals. We can however allow our feelings for each other bring us closer. We can help each other reach our goals together. I want to see you become stronger, with me, I want to become stronger with you. Bit don't expect me to suddenly be some sort of prince charming just because we gave our virginity to each other." Paul put his hand up to silence Dawn. She was about to protest that last part of his oh so elaborate speech when he cut her off.
"I don't care what happened. Before last night you were still pure. You gave that to me and that's the way it is."
He then got up and started to walk away before turning back to give her a small kiss on her cheek. She blushed and he turned back around walked out of the room.

Dawn sat there in the bed holding the spot on her cheek Paul had just kissed. She decided he was right. She cared about him for the person he is. She didn't want him to change. Well maybe just a little. She did want him to speak kinder to her. And he had promised to do that. She figured that was enough. She smiled and got up to go take a shower and get ready for the day.

Time skip

Dawn was really upset. She had gone down to the lobby to take her Pokemon to nurse Joy. While she was down there she found out that the blizzard was so bad they had to postpone the tournament and they had no idea when it would resume. She headed back to her room. She walked in with her head held low.
The first thing she noticed was how warm the room was. She looked up and saw Paul sitting at the table in the living room waiting for her. She walked over and saw he had lit a fire in the fireplace. He also had a huge wonderful looking breakfast laid out.
There were bagels, eggs, bacon, an assortment of berries, moomoo milk cream cheese, fresh combee honey, and fresh maple syrup. There was a pot of coffee and a pitcher of oran berry juice along with two sets of dishes.
Paul walked up to dawn and handed her a single deep red rose. He grabbed her wrist and led her to the table to sit down.
"I assume you haven't had breakfast yet?" Paul asked Dawn with a small smirk on his face. He already knew she hadn't eaten yet. He could hear her stomach growling from tge moment she opened the door. He was glad that he had asked his brother to send him an array of syrups and jams when he got here. He originally thought he would enjoy them as celebratory treats after each battle. But sharing them with dawn to lift her spirits was much better.
Dawn smiled and sat down eager to devour the buffet in front of her. "You would be correct in assuming that." Dawn said jokingly.
Paul chuckled softly. They sat down to eat and it was calm and cozy. Which was a huge welcome for dawn given what all had happened recently.
After eating and cleaning up Paul popped in a movie. Since it was snowing Paul decided to put on a scary movie set in winter. He chose Jack Frost While Dawn was making hot cocoa and popcorn.

About half way through the movie piplup finds Dawn and Paul asleep snuggled up on the couch. He laughed at how ridiculous they looked. He then walked over to Paul's backpack and painstakingly pulled out a pokeball. He pushed the button in the center and released Paul's torterra.
Once he was released piplup shushed him before motioning for him to follow. They made their way from the closet to the living room. When torterra saw his master sleeping peacefully with the blue haired girl, he smiled.
He had never seen Paul as happy and content as he looked at that very moment. He felt piplups flipper tapping his leg and looked down to find the penguin holding the corner of a big snuggly blanket.
"Pip piplup" motioning to the two sleeping trainers torterra realized why piplup released him. He let loose his vines from his back and gently used vine whip to cover the trainers with the blanket piplup had chosen.
Torterra and piplup looked at the couple one last time before deciding they wanted to suprise them.
They both quietly wked back to the closet and collected all of dawn and Paul's pokeballs. They then made their way downstairs to the indoor training arena.
Once tgere torterra and piplup released all the other Pokemon. Once out of their pokeballs, the Pokemon were confused as they didn't see their trainers.
After a few minutes of explanation from torterra and piplup the Pokemon understood why they were there alone.
The Pokemon wanted their trainers to spend the day together but they also didn't want to skip out on training. According to torterra, a snow day is no reason to be lazy. The other Pokemon agreed and began to pair themselves up with one of the opposite trainers Pokemon.
Leafeon and torterra were together because leafeon had confided in him that he wanted to learn frenzie plant. Torterra warned him that, frenzie plant, being one of the strongest grass type moves, would take a LOT of work and wouldn't be easy to learn. Torterra was willing to hell because he knew his masters mates Pokemon needed lots of hard work to become strong like them.
He knew they had strategy and graceful moves, but he also knew that it wouldn't be enough if they want to win the tournament. After giving out instructions on what to work on torterra turned to leafeon to begin their training. All the other Pokemon followed suit.
Nurse Joy Ash and Brock just happened to walk by and saw dawn and Paul's Pokemon paired up and training with no trainer in site. Ash and nurse Joy were in shock while Brock was slightly amused by their bewilderment.

"I know you don't agree with his training style Ash, " Brock began. "But you do have to admit they're extremely disciplined. Not many Pokemon will train this way unless directed to."
"It seems to me torterra and piplup are running the show." Nurse Joy giggled.
"That's because piplup was Dawn's first Pokemon and Paul's was turtwig. I guess tgeyre the leaders of the gang!" Ash said excitedly.
"I'd say from the looks of it, Dawn's Pokemon are teaching Paul's some contests moves and Paul's are teaching Dawn's some strength moves." Brock observed.
"Why would they be doing that? Dawn doesn't even DO contests anymore." Ash asked.
"You see Ash," Brock went into a huge explanation about teamwork and adjusting to different settings.
"You mean like how dawn always has her Glaceon change the field?" Ash questioned.
"Exactly!" Nurse Joy chummed in.
"Even though dawn doesn't do contests anymore doesn't mean her contest moves are useless now. Being a performer means you have to learn to strategize on your toes. Dawn's Pokemon are great at that. They can beat opponents that are at higher levels because of their brains. Pauls Pokemon on the other hand battle with brute strength. Now if you combine the two you'd have an unbeatable team. And i think that's what the Pokemon want." Brock said with a sly smile on his face.
"Yea you're right. I bet they're trying to get stronger for Paul and Dawn. I wonder what they're up to? " Ash asked.
"I think they're having a relaxing day today. Paul came down and prepared a rather large breakfast, he took some movies and firewood as well. I'm sure they're having a romantic movies day together and wouldn't want to be disturbed." Nurse Joy said with a smile.
"Yea" Ash began. "Well since I need to get some training done anyway, let's go train with Paul and Dawn's Pokemon!" Ash stated beaming with excitement.
"That's a good idea Ash!" Nurse Joy chummed as she walked away.
"I'm sure they won't mind, plus I'm sure the Pokemon would like some competition from other types. " Brock said more to himself than anyone.
"Well all right! Let's get training!"Ash jumped in the air excitedly and headed inside the training arena.

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