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"lilian heartstring?"

lilian looked up to be met by unfamiliar eyes.

"you must be katherine pulitzer."

"erm- katherine plumber. plumber will do."

katherine pulled out the chair across from lilian in the old coffee shop and took a seat, immediately pulling out her notebook and pen.

"it's nice to meet you, lilian."

"you too, ms. plumber."

"katherine'll do."

"can we just get started?"

"of course."

the interview began with katherine staring at lili, examinung her every move with her watchful eye. lili didn't enjoy any second of it, but she wanted katherine to do anything she had to do for this article. if it wasn't good, lilian didn't know what she would do. her father's life depended on it.

"okay," katherine ended what seemed to ve a staring contest and jotted something on her note pad before looking back up at lilian. "let's begin. how do you feel?"



"awful. horrible. exhausted. deprived. scared. nervous. heartbroken. mortified. angry."

"is that the same for your family?"



"i don't know how they're feeling. i haven't had a full conversation before all of this happened. i can't stand to look into their eyes, to even guess what they're feeling, or whose side they're on. i blocked them out because..."

"because why?"

"i've had too much heartbreak these past few months to watch their hearts break too."

there was a short silence as katherine continued to write on her notepad. she paused and looked back up at lilian. lilian felt like she could see right in her. the sign of a good journalist, maybe.

"if your father were here, what do you think he would say?"

"that he didn't murder that man."


author's note: dun dun dunnnnnn.. and the plot thickens! if you're reading this, thank you! make sure to leave a comment to tell me how you feel! peace!

calling me home // davey jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now