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lilian stared up at the cold, damp ceiling of room 21 and filled her head with thoughts.

it was weird being back here in new york.

after all that happened. 

new york used to be home. 

now it felt like a prison. 

a prison that was used to torture her, filled with memories.

some good. 

some bad.

but even the good memories left lilian in tears.


"go away!" lilian shouted at the boy who was peeking inside her bedroom as she quickly dove over what she was working on.

"what are you doing?" the boy, davey, asked suspiciously.

"nothing," lilian replied far too quickly.

"oh okay," davey responded, about to leave the room only to turn on his heels and face her again.

"actually, now that i think about it," davey said. "my birthday is coming up. would that have anything to do with that?"

"i don't know what you're talking about."

"sureeee you don't," davey responded, finally heading out the door of her room. "oh and for the record, i love quilts."

"i'm not making you a quilt."

all davey did was chuckle and exit the room.

once he did, lilian uncovered her half-done quilt and couldn't help but smile.


lili wiped tears from her eyes and stood up from her bead.

she needed a walk.


author's note: yayyyyyy more flashbacks :D i love writing these. 

calling me home // davey jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now