twenty nine

442 10 9

clothes, check.

toothbrush, check.

food, check.

davey was all set.

he never thought in a million years he would sink to the level of running away, but it was for the best.

he needed to figure some things out. he needed to step back, and take a deep breath.

he needed to get out of lili's way.

how far out of her way? he didn't know.

hey, maybe santa fe. 

"what are ya doin?" the voice of davey's little brother came from the entry of davey's room, startling davey.

"oh my gosh, don't scare me like that!" 

"gee, sorry," les replied sarcastically. "you didn't answer my question."

"i'm going away."


"i don't know, just away," davey said, grabbing his bag.


"stop asking so many questions!"

"i'm your little brother, it's my job," les replied.

"it's annoying," davey responded, heading to the door before les blocked it. "get out of the way, will ya?"


"oh my gosh, les, what will it take?" 

"answer my question."

"i'm not needed here anymore, okay?" davey responded, catching his brother by surprise.

"what does that even mean?" 

"it doesn't matter, just get out of my way," davey urged.

"when will you be back?"

"i don't know," davey replied. "soon, never. we'll see."

"what about me?" les asked.

"not everything is about you," davey replied, and with that, he pushed les away and stomped out the door.


a/n: i havent updated in foreverrrrrrr, sorry !!! but here's this. it's a really boring chapter, but i'll be back with better ones. thanks for the love!

calling me home // davey jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now