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"it's weird being back here."


"yeah," lilian replied. "it's like walking through memory lane."

"speaking of memories," davey chuckled.

"oh no."

"do you remember that time i tricked you into jumping into that pond?" 

"i didn't jump!" lilian exclaimed. "i slipped."

"that's not what it looked like from where i was standing!"

"you told be there was a wasp chasing me!" liliain said frociously. "what else would i have done?"

even though lilian sounded mad, she couldn't help but smile.

"it's good to see you smiling again."

"well," lilian stated. "even though there's a lot to cry about, there's always something to be thankful for."

"there she is," davey smiled. "the lilian i knew."

"i'm still the same lilian," lilian replied. "just a little worn down."

"that's okay."

davey looked at lilian, admriring her beauty. she looked different then she did back then, but not any less beautiful. she was looked more mature now, and that was beautiful in itself. 

davey must have been staring too long, because lilian cleared her throught loudly, ending his thought.

"well, i better head back," she said, standing up from her seat at the same time davey did.

"let me walk you back."

"oh no there's no-" lilian looked up at davey. "you know what? that's probably a good idea. it is in a sketchy part of town."

"awesome, i'll get your coat."

calling me home // davey jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now