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"what is this?"

"oh, davey, hi." 

"answer my question," davey said, pointing to katherine's front page article.

"the second article of the series?" katherine asked in a confused tone.

"the title, katherine."

"what's wrong with the title?" 

"you called him a murderer!" davey exclaimed.

"davey, you know what i meant," katherine responded, trying not to let davey's words get to her. "it's just a title."

"come on, kath," davey responded. "you know more than anyone that words can be powerful. you might as well say you think he did it."

"i never said that!" 

"i thought in order to be a reporter you couldn't be biased?" 

"i'm not biased!" katherine exclaimed, standing up from her seat at her desk, feeling her anger boil inside of her. 

"the title says otherwise."

"davey, you're being ridiculous!"

"oh really, am i?"

"what's going on?" a voice new to the conversation added, causing both katherine and davey to turn to meet the eyes od a worried lilian.

"oh, nothing important," davey replied awkwardly. 

"don't baby me, david," lilian replied. "i heard enough to know that's a lie. can i speak to you privately outside?"

davey obliged to her offer and lilian led him outside of the room and into the small empty  dimly lit lobby. 

"david, what's gotten into you?" lilian asked once they were alone. 

"you saw the title, lili," davey responsed. "it irked me."

"it's just a title, david. and a clever one at that."

"how can you say that?" davey replied, obviously frustrated. "she called your father a murderer!"

"well legally, he is!"

"what do you mean? he didn't do it, lilian."

"don't you think i know that?!?" lilian yelled back. "do you really think i would be here fighting for my father's life if i thought he was guilty???"

"well no-"

"so stop acting like you're the victim here! he's my father and if that title bothered me, that's my business! i can deal with it, david! why does it bother you so much??"

"because i'm still in love with you!" davey yelled angrily at her, causing her to gasp.

and before she could respond, davey crashed his lips onto hers.

calling me home // davey jacobsWhere stories live. Discover now