Chapter Seven

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"WHERE THE HELL WERE YOU LAST NIGHT?!?" My mom yelled not even giving me a chance to shut the front door.

"I'm so sorry mom, my batterie died and I didn't want to wake you so I just spent the night at her house." I lied hoping she would be more forgiving.

"You need to call me. Or find a way to. I was up all night worried sick about you! I know it's the weekend but I would like to know where your going and where you are!" She demanded frustrated. But I didn't care, last night was amazing.

Walking up to her I gave her a hug softly saying in her ear, "I'm sorry," tightly she hugged back. I noticed she still was wearing her blue and purple striped top from yesterday. Was she seriously that worried?

"Just don't do it again, okay? I love you and don't want anything bad to happen to you." She said gripping my shoulders pulling me away so we could make eye contact. Her deep green eyes filled with tears. Quickly sniffing and looking away and walked over to the kitchen to continue making what smelled like pancakes. I felt guilty for putting her into this state of mind so I headed upstairs. Looking in my brothers room, he still was sound asleep. I had no idea what the time was but I assume it's quite early.

Walking into my room I stripped nude, then let my hair out of its sand filled wet bun letting it flow free. I could see little bits of sand fall from my hair and hurried to the bathroom. Reaching under the sink, I grabbed a black towel throwing it on the lid of the toilet. Shutting and locking the door I walked over to the shower, leaning over I twisted it on feeling the cold water flow through my fingers. After a few seconds the water warmed up and I stepped in pulling the shower blue curtain shut. Standing in the warm flowing water I watched sand slide off my body into the drain. Thinking about last night I was lost in thought. At moments I didn't realize I was even taking a shower. Grabbing the green apple shampoo I scrubbed it into my hair, all I could feel was the sand. It took about three more washes to get it all out.

Looking down at my hands I saw they were already wrinkly. So I quickly washed the rest of my body and turned off the water. Standing there I watched the water drip out of my curly brown hair onto the floor, I didn't want to open the curtain and feel the cold air. Finally I stepped out drying my hair, back, legs, and the rest of my body. It was nice to finally be clean.

Walking out the bathroom, the sunrise almost blinded me shining from my brothers window. Stepping into my room I threw on an old black cheer top that was three sizes tok big, and some red pajama shorts. Anxious for warmth I crawled in under my green and pink blankets.

Reaching down to the side of my bed near the white wall; I connected my charger to my phone watching the silver apple light up. To pass the time I looked out my slightly open window. The birds chirping reminding me that it's morning. They sounded so near, but I couldn't see any in the trees on our front lawn. The sky was now light blue with a tint of deep orange, and was slightly spotted with clouds. Lost in the beautiful sight of nature, I was drawn back in by multiple beeps and vibrations off my phone. Looking down most were new voicemails from mom. Scrolling through all the notifications, I saw a name I haven't seen in what feels like forever; Audri, my best friend since we were seven.

"Hey, I haven't seen you around lately. What's up?" She sent me via text.

With everything going on I completely shut her out without knowing it. She doesn't even know I'm in the program. Tapping on her contact icon I pressed talk, putting the cold, black iPhone to my ear.

"Common pick up" I whispered waiting as it rang.

"Heelloo?" Audri answered a little confused. I then remembered how early it was, I should of waited to call.

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