Chapter Sixteen

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The heat attacked my throat. The lack of oxygen flowing through my lungs didn't make it any easier. My lips pressed against the opening of the trunk sucking in the air just trying not to pass out.

Wanting to yell for Harry, I decided not to out of fright. What if I were to yell and he decided to shoot at the sound? What if he ran and completely abandoned me? I was trapped in a darkness of thought. All the pressure of confusion and fear fell onto my lips shutting them tight. Closing my eyes I tried to block out the world. But it didn't work.

The car trunk popped open then stayed in half open position waiting for someone to lift it all the way. A dirty hand slid under, their nails filled with dirt. My eyes went wide and I held my breath hoping they (in someway) would change their mind just assuming no one was underneath. I may not of known who it was, I knew it would possibly be Harry. Someone I was terrified to see at this moment.

The trunk fully opened and the sun attacked my eyes blinding me. Covering the sun with my hand I tried focusing on the figure in front of me. Gaining it fully; it was definitely Harry.

His face was rough; lip bruised, faded purple circled around his right eye, a cut on the middle of cheek. His hair was straight on his head but the ends curled like crazy. It was just brushing over his eyebrows, I was surprised that his hair grew that fast. He was in the same outfit I saw him in last; a red button up flannel, but now it was almost fully unbuttoned, and his ripped black skinny jeans. Looking into his eyes they were filled with guilt, and regret.

I forgot how his eyes made me melt, how important he was to me. How one look from him could change my entire world. But i didn't feel like I was even on earth when I looked at him.

His eyes that I couldn't look away from; now filled with tears and face wrinkled up. He covered his face with his hands as he began to sob hard in front of me. I immediately sat up and pulled him into my arms. I wanted to fight it but I then started to weep with him.

"I didn't mean to Emma, I didn't mean to shoot him. I didn't know I would I just blacked out. I blacked out and when I came back he was gone. I didn't mean to Emma, I'm sorry." He pushed through his tears with his head buried into my now wet shoulder.

I didn't know what to say. I would say 'it's okay, I know, it's okay' but it wasn't okay. Harry killed someone. I decided to stay quiet and let him spill out his emotions. So we stood there for a few minutes as he did.

"We have to get out of here! No I can't stay here. I must go." He said with alarm lifting his head from off my shoulder.

He grabbed my wrist and walked towards a bridge that held up a main road. We were in a quiet area that had an abandon train track nearby. No big buildings or activity arouse around us, just concrete ground with weeds growing through the cracks. The bridge was tall; all that was visible was the roof of cars passing. The perfect area for something like this to happen and go unseen.

"Where are we going?" I asked a little concerned Harry didn't even know the answer to that.

"There's a gate over here, just a little pass the bridge. Theres a Mexican spot I know. Zayn said he would meet me here so we could go looking for you, but that task has been fulfilled." He said flat but tried to bring humor into his voice. In this situation, I don't see anything particularly funny.

"So did you plan this Harry?" I asked still walking with his hand around my wrist. Continuing I stopped; "Did you plan to kill him?" Jerking my hand out of his grip crossing my arms.

Looking back at me he became impatient looking around us making sure no on was following, "Emma can we talk about this later?" He asked then began walking again.

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