One Last Touch

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She laid down in her hospital bed as a nurse fluffed her pillow. She listened to the beeps of the monitor and softly closed her eyes and opened them. Alice turned her head and looked at the picture of her favorite actor on the table. Tom Hiddleston. Alice smiled and the nurse noticed. The nurse picked it up and gave it to her. Alice picked up and ran her fingers over his face. The nurse chuckled at her and fixed her blankets. Alice had been in the hospital for at least a year now. Her cancer had spread rapidly even though she was having chemo. Alice's hair hadn't fallen out and the doctors said she was lucky. Alice knew her time was coming to a close but her parents still scheduled a surgery for her in a week. Alice listened to the beeps and stroked the picture to every beep. The nurse smiled weakly at her and patted her knee.

"Is there anything I can get you?" The nurse asked.

Alice showed her the picture and the two laughed.

"Something other than Tom?" The nurse asked.

"Some juice would be nice." Alice replied.

The nurse nodded and left the room. Shortly after, Dr. Carter entered the room with two women behind him.

"Alice?" Dr. Carter asked.

Alice looked up from her picture and furrowed her eyebrows.

"Yes?" Alice asked.

"These two women here are trying a little program in the hospital. They are apart of The Make A Wish Foundation." Dr. Carter replied.

"What we do is write down a sick child's wish and have it happen." The first woman added.

Alice's pale face lit up and she sat up in her bed.

"I can wish for anything and you'll make it happen?" Alice asked.

"Yes we can." The second woman replied.

"Anything?" Alice asked.

"Anything." The first woman chuckled.

Alice bit her lip and looked down at her picture. She smiled as she put her hand over Tom's face. Alice shook her head and Dr. Carter frowned.

"What is it?" Dr. Carter asked.

"The wish I want probably won't come true." Alice replied.

"Well, tell us your wish." The second woman said.

"I want a hug from Tom Hiddleston." Alice told them pointing to her picture.

The first woman wrote down her wish and smiled.

"Will be sure you get that hug." The first woman told her.

Alice smiled brightly and clapped her hands together. The woman chuckled at her and left. Dr. Carter checked her monitors and wrote some tings down in her folder. He left the room and her nurse returned with some juice.

"I'm going to hug Tom Hiddleston, Rachel." Alice told her excitedly.

Rachel chuckled and gave her a funny look.

"I am. These women came in and told me that I could make a wish and they would make it come true. Isn't that cool? I'm going to get a hug from Tom Hiddleston." Alice explained.

"Well, I'm happy for you." Rachel told her patting her shoulder and leaving the room.

Alice drank her juice and looked at the picture she had of Tom. Alice was so excited to meet Tom. But, what if she didn't make it before he came? What if it would be too late? What if her dream never did come true? What if it was all going to waste? Alice frowned and felt the tears in her eyes. She quickly wiped them away and tightened her grip on the photo. She would not let that happen. The days passed and Tom hadn't come yet. It was only a matter of days before she would go into surgery. Alice was getting nervous and didn't know if she would ever see him. Alice always got her hopes to high and when she got bad news, her hope would be obliterated. Alice waited for him in her bed. She told them that she would not leave her bed until he came. But what if she was wrong about him? What if he wasn't this nice guy and it was just an act? What if would never come? Alice still held onto whatever hope she had left and waited. She felt like she was in a movie of her own and time was the antagonist. Time was always her enemy. As the days passed, Alice became sicker and the doctors knew she didn't have much time left. Then, on the day before her surgery, the two women entered her room and had big smiles on their faces.

"Alice?" The first one asked.

"Yes." Alice replied quickly.

"We have someone here to meet you." The second one replied.

Alice sat up in her bed and smiled. The women left the room and there he was. Tom Hiddleston was in her hospital room. Alice didn't stop the tears falling from her face. The women closed the door and it was just them. Tom walked over to Alice and she couldn't help but stare at him. He sat on the edge of her bed and Alice put her hands over her mouth.

"Hello there. I'm Tom. And you are?" Tom asked.

"I'm Alice, Mr. Hiddleston." Alice replied.

"You can call me Tom." Tom told her.

Alice giggled and Tom smiled at her.

"So, how old are you?" Tom asked.

"I'm eleven." Alice replied.

Alice smiled weakly when she saw the hurt in his eyes.

"So, Alice, what do you like to do here?" Tom asked.

Alice chuckled at how he was trying to make a conversation with her.

"I just watch your movies. They are what keep me going. When I see your face, it would make me fight to stay alive, in hopes, that one day I might meet you. And here you are now. I remember that the day I saw Thor was the day that they told me I had cancer. It wasn't a happy day. But after that, I watched more of your performances and told myself that I would beat this so I could become an actress and one day be in the movies just like you. You gave me hope when days weren't looking so well for me. You made me happy when I saw sad and removed the bad thoughts from my head. You helped me get through a lot, you know." Alice explained.

"Well, I'm glad to have been a big help. And bless you for all those kind things, Alice. I don't think I've met a child your age so polite." Tom told her.

Alice giggled and Tom looked up at her.

"Someone asked for a hug? Would you happen to know who that might be?" Tom asked cocking his head to the side.

Alice giggled and raised her hand.

"I thought so. And after hearing that nice little speech, I think you need it." Tom told her.

Alice smiled and Tom moved closer to her. He opened up his arms and Alice couldn't help but smile. Her dream was coming true. Her hopes were finally met. She told herself she would fight until she met him and she did. Alice threw herself at him and his arms practically wrapped her whole body. Alice rested her head on his chest and heard his heart beat. She inhaled softly and he smelt like peppermint. Tom rested his cheek on her head and the two remained like this for some time. After a little bit, Tom heard the monitors beeping quicken. He looked down at Alice and smiled weakly at her. Alice had a huge smile on her face and tightened her grip on him. Tom rocked her slowly a little bit and Alice sighed. Shortly after, she moved up a little closer and moved her head so her lips were close to his ear. She took a deep breath and smiled.

"Thank you for making all of my dreams come true." Alice whispered.

"You're welcome, Alice." Tom whispered back.

Tom was about to pull back when he felt her arms drop from her shoulders. Tom furrowed his eyebrows and then heard the monitors. The beeping quickened and then, a flat line. Tom inhaled sharply and looked down at Alice. He cradled her head as he pulled her back. Alice was deathly pale, her eyes were shut softly and she had the most beautiful smile on her face. Tom bit his lip as he held his tears in. He leaned forward and laid a soft kiss on her forehead. Tom smiled when he laid her down on the bed gently. He stood up and held her hand for awhile. Tom caressed her hand with his thumb and looked over at her desk. He saw the picture of him and took it. Tom smiled at it and then turned it over. On the back of the photo it read:

To Tom Hiddleston,

If you ever come here, I wanted to give this to you as a reminder. I knew that my the angels were coming for me soon and I didn't know when. So in case I was taken earlier than expected, I just wanted to let you know that you are my inspiration and you were always there to help me. You made me feel as though I didn't have cancer. You made me feel happy and free. But now, I can finally be happy and free. Thank you for all that you've done for me.

Love, Alice

Tom smiled weakly as a few tears escaped his eyes. He looked back at Alice and chuckled.

"You're welcome, Alice." Tom whispered.

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