Oh, How I've Missed You!

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Tom got himself prepared for his next interview. It had been months since he'd seen his wife and daughter. He just finished filming and now had to go on tour promoting it, causing him to spend little time with his family. It was hard having to always FaceTime and Skype whenever he could, but he cherished each call. He fixed his tie and was led onto the stage where he waved at all his loving fans who came today just to see him. Tom sat down, greeted the interviewer and answered a few questions about the movie.

"So, many of us know that you've been away from your family for quite some time." The interviewer said.

"Yes, in fact, I believe it's been six months." Tom told him.

"Six months? How is that going for you?" The interviewer asked.

"Whenever we get the chance, Anna and I'll FaceTime or Skype. It's very saddening not having her or my daughter here with me because I know they'd love it." Tom replied.

"Well, right now we have a guest here for your today." The interviewer told Tom.

"A guest? Who?" Tom asked.

"You can come out now." The interviewer said.

Tom turned around to see a little girl walk on the stage. He laughed softly as he turned to the interviewer and then realized who the girl was. Tom stood up and ran over to her and he picked her up in his arms. He held her tightly to his chest as he kissed her cheek several times. The audience cheered as Tom's wife, Anna walked on as well.

"Oh, how I've missed you! I've missed my two best girls so much." Tom exclaimed.

The three hugged and Tom gave his wife a big kiss before sitting down with them and continuing his interview, one hand holding his wife's as his other arm was wrapped around his daughter. 

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