The One With The East German Laundry Detergent

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(F.R.I.E.N.D.S references are the best ehehehkla;['sIJf)
You had just pulled out a dollar and went to change it for four quarters. You left your basket of laundry on a machine. Most of them were taken and you were surprised by how busy it was. You were supposed to come with your friends Monica and Tom, but Monica had to bail for a double date. Just as you got your quarters you turned to see a woman moving your basket and loading her laundry into the machine.
"Oh, excuse me. Hi." You called as you walked up to her.
"Hi." She said coldly.
Her accent was thick and you chuckled nervously.
"Um, I was using this machine I had it saved." You told her.
"I don't see any suds." She said.
"Well, I had my basket on it. know, save it." You explained.
"Oh, this is your basket? Well, still no suds no save." She told you harshly.
You sighed in defeat and smiled softly as you took your basket. Before you could leave, you noticed Tom in the corner. You walked over to him and he gave you a look.
"What's the matter?" He asked.
"That horrible lady took my machine." You replied.
"Did you have your basket on top of it?" Tom asked.
"Yeah." You replied.
"That lady?" He asked as he nodded his head in her direction.
You nodded and watched as he made his way over to her. Before she could put a quarter in the machine, Tom had put his hand over the deposit and smiled at her.
"Excuse me. Hello. Sorry to disturb you but, this was my friend's machine and she would like to have it back." Tom told her.
"Her laundry wasn't in it. No suds, no save." The woman told him.
At this point, a few people were looking and you walked over to Tom to try and stop him.
"Give us our machine back because you know that that isn't even a thing." Tom told her angrily.
The woman gave him a look and sighed as she emptied the machine, put them in her basket and walked off. You gave Tom a look as you brought the basket on the machine.
"I can't believe you did that. Thank you." You blushed.
"The least I could do." Tom shrugged.
"Now, let's get this started." You said.
"You began to load the machine with all your clothes and Tom furrowed his brow.
"What are you doing?" Tom asked.
"Is this not what you do?" You asked.
"(y/n), have you ever done laundry before?" Tom answered.
You thought for a moment before shaking your head in response.
"I'm going to sound like a total laundry spazz, but, if I were to separate the clothes, would I have one machine for shirts and another for pants?" You asked.
"Well, you don't just put all the laundry in at once. You separate them into darks, whites and, know, ehehehe, delicates." Tom explained.
"Delicates?" You pondered.
"You know um, your bras and under...panty things." Tom replied.
You pulled out some underwear and showed it to him.
"Well what about these? Would they be considered white or delicates?" You asked.
Tom blushed and his eyes widened as he struggled to answer.
"Uhnn, that would be your decision not mine." Tom chuckled nervously.
You shrugged as you threw them into the machine and got everything ready. On your last load, you sat on the machine as you and Tom talked.
"I can't believe you've never done laundry before." Tom chuckled.
"Yup. Here I am. A laundry virgin." You giggled.
"I just can't believe it. How can one person go without doing laun-"
Tom was cut off by the machine going off.
"Well, I'm sorry but that's all the time with have on Tom." Tom joked.
You laughed as you stepped down and Tom opened the machine as you got everything ready.
"Oh no." Tom said softly.
"What? What's wrong?" You asked.
"Oh no, the laundry's done. Just, it's a song you sing once you finish the laundry you know. Oh noooo, the laUNdry's...dooooonne." Tom sang softly.
"Come on what is it?" You asked.
You pushed Tom aside and he tried to stop you but he was too late. He ran his hands through his hair as he watched your expression. You pulled out the once white clothes that were now pink and you let out a soft cry.
"How could I do this?" You asked yourself.
"It's alright. I mean, just because one pink article of clothing got into the mix doesn't mean it's the end of the world." Tom told you.
"Now, all these clothes look like jammies." You said.
"It's alright, (y/n). Now let, got put them in the dryer." Tom smiled.
He walked over to the machines as you grabbed a cart. You placed it by him as you went to get your basket of clothes back. When you turned around, you saw the same woman as before take your cart. You stepped in front of her and grabbed the cart, stopping her.
"I'm sorry but this was my cart." You told her.
"Does it have your name on it? Move it girl." The woman said angrily.
You were about to step away when Tom gave you a nod.
"Now, you listen here. I'll make myself clear. This was my cart and you will give it back to me." You sneered.
The two of you began to bicker and argue and Tom was about to step in when you let out a groan and stepped into the cart.
"If you want the cart, you'll have to take it with me." You told her as you folded your arms over your chest.
The woman rolled her eyes as she pushed the cart softly and walked away. You smiled brightly as Tom turned the cart around and laughed.
"I can't believe you did that. We have a brand new woman ladies and gentlemen." Tom joked as he put his arms out on either side and looked around the room.
He leaned back down as you chuckled.
"I couldn't have done any of that without you." You smiled.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him softly. Tom pulled back and chuckled softly as he took a few steps back. You raised your brow at him as he grinned.
"Dryer. We should get going on that." Tom said.
As he turned to walk away, he hit his head against an open dryer's door and fell to the floor.
"Tom!" You cried.
"I'm good!" He cried back.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2015 ⏰

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