The Autograph

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Amy waited outside in the crowd of the L.A. premiere of Thor: The Dark World. She had been here for hours and was so excited to meet Tom Hiddleston. Her emotions were all over the place. She didn't know what she might do if he came up to her. She had her pen and paper ready along with her phone, that was fully charged. Amy had talked with the other girls around her and fangirled for some time. Every time a celebrity appeared, Amy would scream along with the others around her. Amy could not wait or Tom to arrive. She would finally be meeting her idol. Amy softly bounced up and down and one girl gripped her arm.

"He's here!" The girl exclaimed.

Amy saw tears in her eyes and chuckled nervously. She turned to look where everyone else was and pushed her way to the front of the crowd. She made it to the front and looked towards a car. And there he was. Tom Hiddleston was stepping out of his car and smiling as he waved at everyone. The whole crowd was in an uproar and Amy could barely hear anything. Amy watched as Tom paced over to the crowds and started to sign autographs. Amy watched as he made his way closer to her group in the crowd. Amy covered her mouth and face. She was getting shyer as Tom got closer. Her heart was racing at this point. She just wanted to hear him say her name and watch as he signed her journal. Finally, he was signing the paper of the girl right to her left. Amy knew she was next and had to cool her act. Tom finished a photo with her and gave her back her phone. Amy got her things ready and smiled as Tom got closer to her. But then, someone pulled him away and said he needed to do interviews. Amy watched as Tom walked away and started an interview. Amy put her head down and looked at the blank pages of her journal. She was so close to Tom and she felt like she was in heaven, but someone had to come and whisk him away. Amy's terrible luck came to bite her in the ass. The other girls around her tried to cheer her up but, nothing could cheer her up. Thirty minutes had gone and Tom went back to sign autographs. Amy was so happy when she saw Tom walking over to her. Amy's world was getting better, but, then Tom walked over to the girl on her right and signed her paper and moved on to the girl's over there. Amy was devastated. She had travelled all this way here to not even be noticed by Tom. Her whole world shattered around her. Now, she had to go back to New York and live her boring life as an assistant to a lawyer and admire Tom by looking at photos of him. Amy sighed and watched as all the celebrities made their way into the theater. Amy sighed and said goodnight to all the girls around her. It was around eleven o'clock at night and the whole place was deserted. Amy dragged her feet along the pavement as she walked out of the area. She felt tears in her eyes as she left. All she wanted was an autograph, maybe even just a smile at her. Amy walked to the front of the building and sat down on the sidewalk. No one was around and Amy put her head in her lap and cried softly. Shortly after, a few celebrities walked out of the theater along with Tom. Amy heard some voices and wanted to turn her head but decided against it. She heard high heels walking over to her and turned her head slightly when she saw a woman sit next to her. She was wearing a very expensive dress and Amy turned to look at who it was. Amy widened her eyes when she realized that Natalie Portman was sitting next to her. Amy quickly wiped her eyes and Natalie Portman chuckled.

"What are you doing out here this late?" Natalie asked.

"I don't know." Amy chuckled nervously.

"So, what's your name?" Natalie asked.

"Amy Morgan." Amy replied.

"So, why are you sitting out here alone crying?" Natalie asked putting a hand on her shoulder.

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