Slow Down

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"No, no, no. You're sitting in the front." Tom said.
"But, Tom, you know I hate the front. I can bare it with your other cars but not in this Jaguar." You told him.
You watched as Tom chuckled and opened the passenger's door for you.
"We're just going for a small ride like any other drive. You'll be fine." Tom explained to you.
"You better drive safely." You huffed as you sat down.
Tom closed the door as you tried to get your seatbelt on. Your hands were shaking as you did and once the seatbelt was on, you took a deep breath and prepared yourself for the drive. You had always hated fast driving cars and now Tom, your boyfriend of two years,  wanted to test drive his new jaguar after his commercial for it. You quickly looked over at Tom as he entered the driver's seat. Tom shut the door and pressed a button. You jumped when the engine roared and Tom laughed at you. You crossed your arms and Tom shook his head.
"It's alright, darling. You know you're safe with me." Tom told you as he held your hand.
You squeezed his hand and Tom put both hands on the steering wheel. You watched as he quickly squeezed the wheel and inhaled sharply.
"Ready, dear?" Tom asked.
"Yeah?" You replied.
It was more of a question and you shut your eyes as Tom started to move the car.
"Open your eyes. It's better to see the view." Tom said.
You opened one eye and Tom laughed at you.
"Both." Tom said.
You opened the other eye and looked over at the steering wheel. Behind it, you could see that Tom was going thirty miles per hour. You let out a sigh of relief and began to relax.
"See, it isn't so bad." Tom chuckled.
"I guess it's alright." You said as you blushed with embarrassment.
"You are in safe hands." Tom told you.
He quickly patted your knee and kept his eyes on the road. Shortly after, you watched as he turned onto a rode and furrowed your eyebrows.
"Tom, why did you take this rode? The roads are bendy." You asked.
Tom didn't reply and you just watched as the car went from thirty miles per hour to sixty.
"Tom?" You asked; your voice shaky.
You looked over at Tom and saw the color of his eyes darken as he gripped the steering wheel tightly. You looked out the windshield and saw a windy road coming up. You tightened your seatbelt and gripped the car handle when you noticed Tom was almost at eighty miles per hour. Tom was laughing as he turned the car. You widened your eyes and let out a shriek as you felt your body jolt to the right. Tom whooped as the next turn came around. By this point, you felt like passing out or dying. You gripped onto the car handle as tightly as you could and prayed that Tom wouldn't drive off the road and end up killing you both. You braced yourself for every turn Tom took and you felt sick to your stomach when you saw that Tom was at one hundred miles per hour.
"Tom, stop this and slow the damn car down!" You exclaimed on the verge of tears.
All Tom did was laugh and increase the speed. At that point, you felt like you were dying and you swear you could see tiny horns on Tom's head. Maybe they were Loki's, maybe they were the devils', you were somewhat delusional. But, after some time, your body relaxed and you thought, 'this is it'. You prepared yourself for death and closed your eyes tightly. Moments, later you didn't feel the car move and you opened your eyes. The car stopped and you looked around the car. The car was parked and you were looking out into the ocean. You directed your attention to Tom and his arms were folded and he had a smug ass smile on his face.
"So, what did you think?" Tom asked.
You slowly turned your head towards Tom and your lips were pursed. Tom chuckled nervously and you smiled and batted your eyelashes at him.
"What do I think. What do I think?" You asked.
Tom gulped as you took a deep breath. You begin to slap Tom's right shoulder and he put his arms over his face.
"I think you were driving like a maniac out there! You could have killed us both!" You exclaimed sitting back in your seat.
"I'm sorry, darling. I just wanted you to get over your fear of fast driving cars." Tom explained.
"Well, I don't think it worked." You said softly.
"How about you go into the back seat." Tom told you.
You raised an eyebrow and did as you were told.
"And, maybe, to make it up to you, I'll join you, in the back seat." Tom told you.
Tom moved into the back seat and you rolled your eyes as he laid you back down on the seat. About an hour later, Tom kissed your cheek and smiled at you.
"So, what do you think of the car now?" Tom asked, still trying to catch his breath.
"I think she's a keeper." You replied.

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