The Three C's

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Cramps. That's how they always started. You laid down in bed curled up in the fetal position. You moaned in pain and hoped for some relief. Finally, you heard Tom open the door. You lifted your head up and smiled weakly when you saw that he had a glass of water.
"I got you some Advil to help with the pain." Tom told you.
"You know, when my period is over, we should start to have a baby because this is not an appropriate way o celebrate not being pregnant." You complained.
Tom laughed as he handed you the glass of water and two pills. You put both the pills and took a gulp of the water. You handed him the glass and he set it on the nightstand. He then laid down on the bed next to you and wrapped an arm around. The other, started to tug on the hem of your shirt.
"May I?" Tom asked.
You nodded your head and Tom lifted your shirt. You looked down at your stomach as he ran his warm hand in circles on it. You let out a moan of relief and chuckled as you rested your head on his shoulder. Tom kissed your temple and smiled.
"Am I helping at all?" He asked.
"Mmm, you're doing much more. Your hand feels so good." You laughed.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him. Tom smiled through the kiss and when you pulled back, you threw your head back into the pillows and closed your eyes. You put your hands on your head and sighed.
Crying. That was the next step for you. You felt the tears beginning and Tom already knew the schedule. He pulled you into his arms as he continued to rub your stomach. You cried into his shoulder as Tom hushed you. He told you that it would all be over tomorrow and that you'd be fine.
"I feel like some weird alien is going to pop right out of me and kill me." You sighed.
Tom laughed and shook his head.
"Darling, you're not going to die." Tom chuckled.
"How do you know that? You're not some god." You asked.
"I'm not a god, but I am your boyfriend and I've gone through this with you before many times. It will pass." Tom replied.
You chuckled softly and sighed as the tears ceased to fall. You laid yourself back on the bed as Tom rolled off of it.
Cravings. After you ate some food, it would all go away.
"I'm hung-"
"I know. It's the last stage. I'm getting you some ice cream." Tom said leaving the room.
You giggled and about two minutes later, he returned with two cups of Dutch chocolate ice cream. He grabbed the T.V. remote and then laid down on the bed next to you. He handed you the cup and you two began to eat the ice cream as you watched F.R.I.E.N.D.S. The week passed and you're period was finally over.
"Feeling better?" Tom asked as he pulled back the bed sheets.
You leaned on the door frame as Tom turned to face you.
"I feel alright. But, I think I'd feel much better if I didn't get my period for awhile." You replied.
Tom chuckled as you walked up to him and wrapped your arms around his body. Tom took your hands and turned himself around so he was facing you.
"Get into the bed." Tom whispered in your ear.
You giggled as you laid yourself on the bed as Tom hovered over you.

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