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"So, you've recently become a father to a baby girl." An interviewer said.
"Yes, I have." Tom said happily.
"And we've been told that it had a big story behind it." The interviewer chuckled.
"There is. First, I remembered going for the ultrasound and my wife, Elizabeth, wanted to know the sex and I wanted a surprise. So, I helped her paint the room yellow and she wouldn't let me go out to buy the clothes and toys. I wanted a surprise. By the time she was nine months, we were filming Thor: The Dark World. During one of my scenes, I was told that she went into labor and was being rushed to the hospital. I darted off the set and drove to the hospital, still in my costume-"
Tom parked the car in the front of the hospital and rushed to the front desk. He asked where Elizabeth was and they gave him the floor number. Tom ran to the elevator, not caring about the people staring at him. Finally, the elevator doors opened and he ran out and searched for Elizabeth's room. He opened the door and ran in. When he saw Elizabeth in the hospital bed, he smiled and ran over to her side.
"Tom?" Elizabeth asked.
"Yes. I'm here. Just in time." Tom replied.
"Why are you still dressed in your costume?" Elizabeth asked.
"I didn't have time to take it off when I was told you went into labor." Tom replied.
Elizabeth chuckled and took Tom's hand.
"Our baby's almost here." Elizabeth chuckled.
"I know. I can't wait." Tom smiled.
Seconds later, Elizabeth moaned in pain as she gripped Tom's hand.
"Remember the breathing techniques we practiced." Tom told her.
Tom breathed along with Elizabeth until the contraction passed. Minutes later, the doctor walked into the room and checked up on Elizabeth.
"I think you're ready to start pushing." The doctor said.
Tom smiled brightly and Elizabeth took a deep breath.
"You got this, darling." Tom told her.
Elizabeth gripped Tom's hand and began to push. Hours passed and Tom was standing up next to Elizabeth, whispering little motivators in her ear.
"One more push!" The doctor exclaimed.
Tom wrapped an arm around Elizabeth's shoulders and held onto her hand tightly.
"You can do this. Come on, Elizabeth. Push." Tom told her.
Elizabeth let out a loud scream until all you could hear was a baby's cries. The doctor held up the baby for them to see and Elizabeth began to cry as Tom was speechless.
"Would you like to know the sex now?" The doctor asked.
"Our baby?" Tom asked.
"It's a boy, Tom." Elizabeth replied in a whisper.
"Well, it turns out the ultrasound must have read it wrong, because you two have a baby girl." The doctor told her.
"A girl? But, I bought all boy clothes." Elizabeth asked.
Tom's eyes widened and he smiled as he looked at the baby girl.
"Would you like to cut the cord?" The doctor asked.
"Oh, yes please." Tom replied.
Tom took the scissors and once the cord was cut, the girl started to cry even louder and Elizabeth chuckled. Seconds later, the doctor took the girl and cleaned her up. Finally, the girl was wrapped into a small blanket and handed to Elizabeth. Elizabeth held her close to her chest as Tom hovered over her. Tom pushed down the blanket covering the girl's face and he felt tears in his eyes. The baby girl started to fuss and Elizabeth rocked her softly.
"Do you want to hold her?" Elizabeth asked.
Tom tried to find the words to answer but all he could do was nod. Elizabeth handed them their daughter and he held her close to his chest. Tom laughed softly and held her little hand in his. The girl quieted down and Tom sat back down in his chair. Elizabeth watched him and smiled brightly. Tom looked over at her and leaned closer to her.
"I love you, Elizabeth. You did beautifully." Tom whispered.
The two kissed and Elizabeth pulled back.
"This was the best surprise I've ever had." Tom chuckled.
"Well, it was a surprise for me too. Now, what will we dress her in?" Elizabeth asked with a giggle.
Tom smiled and kissed the girl's head softly.
"Well that was one heck of a surprise." The interviewer laughed.
"It really was. But, I think the funniest thing about it was that I got to welcome my daughter into the world as Loki." Tom laughed.

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