The Proposal

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Tom had tried for almost a year to find the right oppurtunity to propose to you. He bought the perfect ring at the beginning of the new year and kept it hidden, trying to find a way to propose that would please you. He knew you well and even better than you knew yourself. Tom knew you wouldn't want a big extravagent proposal, but you wouldn't want one that was too cliche. He knew you were old fashioned and hated being the center of attention. That was also one of the reasons why you didn't go out to movie premieres with him often. It was Christmas Eve and you were cooking dinner for the both of you. Afterwords, you exchanged one present, watche a movie and then off to bed. And that's how he planned it. His present would be the ring. But, he was itching to propose. All he could think about was getting on one knee and seeing the look on your face. He'd even had Chris practie proposing with him to get it right. And there he sat on the couch, staring at the Christmas tree, waiting for you. The ring was in his jacket pocket and he had his hands fisted in his hair. He watched as the green lights shined and then blinked when it changed to red. You had been watching him for some time now. You thought he was a little sick. You put down your utensils and walked into the living room. When you put a hand on your shoulder, you almost screamed in fright when he jumped to stand up and smile at you. 

"Tom, are you alright? You've been staring at the tree for a while." You asked.

"I'm quite alright, (y/n). No need to worry about me." Tom replied with a chuckle.

You nodded your head and smiled softly as he kissed your cheek.

"I can't wait for our dinner. I know it will be delicious." Tom grinned.

You knew something was up. Maybe it was his gift for you? You knew it had to be good. His gifts always topped yours. But he still loved your gifts because he knew they came from your heart. You just hope he appreciated the scrapbook you made him of your time together. It was full of photos and little souvenirs you got from all over the place. You raised an eyebrow at him and nodded as you walked back into the kitchen. You watched carefully as he sat back down and continued to stare at the tree. You sighed and went back to cooking. As he watched you cooking in the kitchen, he knew he couldn't wait. Just giving you the ring as your gift would be too cliche. He knew it. Tom knew he had to do it now. The moment he was waiting for. He had practiced for this day and now it was finally here. Tom took a deep breath as he stood up and marched into the kitchen. You were too consumed in your meal you hadn't noticed him walking in. Tom got onto one knee and took out the box from his jacket.

"(Y/N), I love you with all my heart and you're the one I want to spend the rest of my life with. Will you marry me?" He asked.

Your eyes widened when you heard him and you looked down at him. You gasped softly when you saw him and didn't know what to say. You thought he had a cold or some type of sickness for asking to marry you. You grabbed the kettle as Tom furrowed his eyebrows.

"Tom, are you feeling unwell? How about I make you some nice tea to help?" You asked.

"No, I don't want tea. Did you not hear me, (y/n)?" He asked standing up, "I asked if you want to marry me."

"I heard you. I just thought you were unwell for asking." You replied.

Tom laughed as he took you into his arms.

"I'm not unwell, darling. Now, I bought this ring in January and I've been practicing for the right moment to propose. So, do you want to be my wife?" Tom asked.

You had tears in your eyes as he opened the box to reveal the ring. You gasped and covered your mouth when you saw it. Before you could even answer, the smoke alarm went off and Tom groaned.

"Seriously?" He whined.

You laughed as you took a towel and wafted the smoke away until it stopped. Once you stepped off from the chair and put the towel down and you looked back at Tom and smiled brightly.

"It would be my honor to become your wife, Tom." You replied.

Tom mirrored your smile and slipped the ring onto your finger. The two of you embraced and kissed passionately. 

"Happy Christmas, (y/n)." Tom whispered in your ear.

Tom Hiddleston ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now